What Is A Castor Oil Pack & Why Do It?

What Is A Castor Oil Pack & Why Do It?

What Is A Castor Oil Pack and Why Do It?

What Is A Castor Oil Pack & Why Do It?

Written by: Victoria Williams R.H.N. Victoria Williams Director of Operations at Queen of the Thrones Victoria Williams R.H.N.
Victoria is Head of Operations at Queen of the Thrones®. Victoria obtained a Pre-Health Science Certificate with Honours from Georgian College, which ignited her passion for natural wellness and nutrition.
Full bio

Medically reviewed by: Melanie Swackhammer B.A.

Est. reading time: 7 minutes.

Your Complete Guide On How To Do A Castor Oil Pack

Are you wondering what to expect after using the Castor Oil Pack for Liver?

Or, are you curious to know more about the Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Pack before you add it to your daily self-care routine?

Is this you? This blog discusses everything you need to know about Castor Oil and Castor Oil Packs and how the two work together to support both your liver and overall wellness.

So, what is a Castor Oil Pack?

Castor Oil Packs are an ancient self-care practice and foundation of naturopathic and functional medicine popularized in the early 1900s by Edgar Cayce.

This traditional natural wellness practice involves applying Castor Oil to a cotton compress and wearing it on the body (typically over the liver) to support liver detox, deeper sleep, less stress, better bowel movements, and more.

The Castor Oil Pack lost its appeal because of its messy and time-consuming nature and difficulty accessing quality organic materials. Makes sense, agreed?”

So, we made this practice easy for the 21st century with the Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Pack for Liver, a tried and true modernized Castor Oil Pack that’s heatless, less-mess, and easy to use.

Would you love to know 3 vital body functions you can support with Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs?

Well, we have an Infographic for you that explains the 3 key benefits of Castor Oil Packs, loved and recommended by wellness practitioners.

With consistent use, Castor Oil Packs can support your body from the outside in. So much so that many people who love and use Castor Oil Packs think of it as a game changer.

Queen of the Thrones happy customer testimony

Where to wear your Castor Oil Pack?

Castor Oil Packs can be worn all over the body from your thyroid, your tummy, your pelvic area, your joints, and even your eyes – but they are thought to have the most systemic benefit when worn over the liver area. This is because the liver area is where the regulatory systems of your body all intersect and interconnect (your hormonal, immune, nervous and digestive systems).

Many people assume that you need to wear your Liver Pack right on your liver to get the benefits. Is this you too?

However, this is not the case. Anatomically, the liver is located near the top of your right ribcage under the right breast. It would be a little difficult to wear your pack there, agreed? 

Liver location in the body by Queen of the Thrones

The ideal placement for your Castor Oil Pack is your liver area, over top of the dermatomes connected to your liver.

You see, the anti-inflammatory component of Castor Oil called ricinoleic acid1 permeates the epidermis because of its molecular weight, this is where your circulatory and lymphatic vessels lie. And when placed over your liver area, these Packs activate the somatic and visceral reflexes (response to a stimulus) supporting the activity of internal detox and cleansing organs like the liver, kidney, gut, gallbladder, and more.

So, this is why it’s ideal to wear the Pack over your liver area, below your ribs on the right side of your body. This covers your T5-T12 dermatomes which support the gallbladder, liver, diaphragm, stomach, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, small intestine, appendix, adrenals, uterus and colon.  

How to use your Castor Oil Liver Pack?

It’s as easy as following the two-step process so you can support your body from the outside in.

Step One: Apply 1 tbsp of Organic Castor Oil to the soft organic cotton flannel side of your Pack. 

*Always add your Organic Castor Oil to the middle of the pack to help keep the oil from the seams, as the Pack is not 100% impermeable.

Dermatomes of the Body Supported by The Castor Oil Pack for Liver

Step Two: Place the soft cotton flannel side of your Castor Oil Pack over your liver area (under your right rib cage) and tie it in place with the soft, stretchy, adjustable straps.

*Remember: Castor Oil WILL STAIN clothing & bed sheets so take extra care when preparing your Pack. Of course, you can always wear an old t-shirt over your Pack just in case.

With regular practice, you will train your body to respond better to stress. Amazing, agreed? 

And the best part…

You can wear your Pack for one hour before bed, and even better, wear your Pack overnight to help you cleanse while you sleep.

You see, your body naturally cleanses when you’re sleeping. So, by wearing your Castor Oil Liver Pack overnight you’re supporting natural liver detoxification, lymphatic drainage2, and colon cleansing3,14

Learn how to use Castor oil Packs for liver designed by Queen of the Thrones

How do Castor Oil Packs support your liver?

Castor Oil is a unique vegetable oil derived from the castor bean. It contains 90% ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid structure strikingly similar to that of prostaglandin E1. In simple terms, it is a strong anti-inflammatory4 agent in our body.

Here’s how it works…

Mechanical: The compression of your Castor Oil Pack placed over the liver (slightly covering the lower free ribs under your right rib cage), combined with the movement of your breathing muscles, serves like a pump to your lymphatic system, encouraging lymphatic drainage2. Amazing, agreed?

Neurological: When placed on specific dermatomes, this activates the somatic visceral reflexes triggering the activity of internal detox and cleansing organs like the liver, kidney, gut, gallbladder, and more.

A combination of both mechanical and neurological: The Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Pack stimulates the body’s skin receptors that stimulate the natural oxytocin5 feedback loop activating the vagus nerve, shifting the body into the ‘rest and digest’ state where liver detox is optimized.

This gentle compression of the Castor Oil Pack stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system6,7,8. Amazing, right?

Queen of the Thrones Castor Oil OAcks supports detox and digestion

 You can learn more about the 3 vital body functions you can support with Castor Oil Packs in your FREE infographic.

What are the key benefits of Castor Oil Liver Packs?

First, let’s look at the most important function of your Castor Oil Pack, which is to help…

1. Balance inflammation

Did you know that inflammation is part of your body’s process of fighting against things that harm it (like infections) in an attempt to heal and protect itself?

So, when something damages your cells, your body releases chemicals that trigger an inflammatory response from your immune system10. It’s a natural process, but inflammation is often out of control in today’s modern world.

When you are inflamed, your body is acidic. However, the enzymes in your body don’t function properly in an acidic environment, as they require an alkaline environment11

Inflammation is like fire, and what does a firefighter do to put out a fire? They put water on it. Central abdominal bloating and weight gain are often caused because our body sends water to the site of inflammation to ‘put out the fire’. Makes sense, agreed?

So, since Castor Oil contains ricinoleic acid, a natural anti-inflammatory1-4, it may support the natural reduction of water retention and swelling.

Castor Oil also supports detox by helping to…

2. Preserve glutathione status


Well, glutathione is the master detoxification agent of the body12. But, unfortunately, it can quickly be depleted mainly because of chronic diseases, including autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. 

Studies on rats have shown that Castor Oil is supportive of preserving glutathione levels13.  You see, glutathione is an antioxidant that pulls toxins out of your body, and that’s why we get depleted so quickly. 

Castor Oil also supports the elimination of waste from your body by…

3. Help move your bowels

lOne of the major processes of your body is your bowel movements. If you can’t eliminate (a.k.a go to the bathroom), you self-intoxicate.

Remember those anti-inflammatory prostaglandins that Castor Oil mimics? Well, these are the same ones that attach to the receptors of smooth muscle14 in the body, namely your gut and uterus.

So, this physical smooth muscle function moves things out of the body, and your Castor Oil Liver Pack helps stimulate it3,14 so you can go to the bathroom naturally and rid yourself of feeling backed up. Sounds wonderful, agreed?

Lastly, Castor Oil aids in maintaining your general wellness by helping your body…

4. Microbiome balance

The microbiome and bacteria in your gut are a mix of good and bad bugs. The balance of the two influences your well-being. So, when the balance is off, you feel unwell. Makes sense, right?

Biofilm is a big bad barrier that bad bacteria can produce in the microbiome. It keeps the bad bugs in and the good bugs out. Unfortunately, this causes severe stress on the body, inhibiting cleansing and detoxification.

Castor Oil is one of the only natural substances that can breakdown biofilm15,16,17, allowing your body to maintain a balanced ecology (environment). 

Smart Bowel movements with Queen of the Thrones Castor Oil Packs

In combination with a good diet, adequate fluid intake (water/tea), flow (urine, poop) mindset, and exercise, Castor Oil Packs are one of the cornerstones to supporting your bowels.

All in all, starting with your tried and true Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Pack for Liver, you will be able to support… 

  • Gentle liver detox
  • Colon cleansing3,14
  • Lymphatic drainage2

However, not all Castor Oil Packs are made equal.

Your checklist for good quality Castor Oil (like Queen of the Thrones®): 

  • 100% pure
  • Organic
  • Extra virgin
  • Hexane-free
  • Bottled in amber glass

Your checklist for a good quality Castor Oil Pack (like Queen of the Thrones®)

  • Organic cotton, wool, or linen touching the skin
  • No synthetic blends or chemically treated materials touching the skin (i.e., velour, bamboo)
  • No uncomfortable belts, buttons, or velcro

Try it for yourself to see!

You can also learn more about the best practices for your Castor Oil Pack with your FREE infographic. Would you love that?

Common questions

1. Why do I have to replace it after two months of regular use?

The traditional way of doing Castor Oil Packs was to use the SAME compress over and over and over. This was okay, before the industrial revolution when our environment wasn’t as toxic.

We now know that the increasing environmental toxicity impacts wellness. This is why it’s important to add fresh oil every time and replace your pack every 2 months for ease of use, comfort, and sanitation.

2. Why can’t I just drink Castor Oil or rub it on my skin?

Castor Oil orally is a stimulant laxative that causes cramping and makes you poop. Simply rubbing it on your skin and wearing a T-shirt overtop only gives you about 50% of the benefits. You need the pack to help move your body into a relaxed state via gentle compression to support liver detox, lymphatic drainage, and colon cleansing.


3. Why can’t I use organic bamboo or any old cloth?

ONLY use organic cotton, wool or linen! Other materials like ‘organic’ bamboo are highly processed with chemicals. Old clothing may be made with harmful dyes, bleach, and flame retardants that you don’t want to absorb into your body.

4. What if I’m on medications, hormone replacement therapy, birth control pills, IUDs, or supplements?

Castor Oil Packs are safely combined with any medication and supplement and may even help them work better. There are no known contraindications or interactions with medication, and they are safe to use with hormone replacements, TTC medicines, birth control pills, and IUDs.

5. Isn’t it messy?

That’s why we created this LESS-mess pack. It’s not entirely messless, but LESS messy than a DIY pack. Castor Oil does stain, so always wear an old T-shirt.

6. Don’t I have to add heat?

Extra heat isn’t necessary because it’s engineered to hold in your body heat naturally.

Are you a practitioner, health coach or wellness influencer? If you’re interested in recommending our easy-to-use tools and practically applying them in your health and wellness professional practice, in clinic, or online with the people you serve, you can join now!

Click here for references

1. Vieira C et al. .Effect of ricinoleic acid in acute and subchronic experimental models of inflammation. Mediators Inflamm. 2000;9(5):223-8 PMID: 11200362”
2. Moore JE Jr, Bertram CD. Lymphatic System Flows. Annu Rev Fluid Mech. 2018 Jan;50:459-482. doi: 10.1146/annurev-fluid-122316-045259. PMID: 29713107; PMCID: PMC5922450.
3. Arslan GG, Eşer I. An examination of the effect of castor oil packs on constipation in the elderly. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Feb;17(1):58-62. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2010.04.004. Epub 2010 May 18. PMID: 21168117
4. Boddu SH1, Alsaab H2, Umar S3, Bonam SP2, Gupta H2, Ahmed S3. Anti-inflammatory effects of a novel ricinoleic acid poloxamer gel system for transdermal delivery. Int J Pharm. 2015 Feb 1;479(1):207-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2014.12.051. Epub 2014 Dec 24.
5. Walker SC1, Trotter PD2, Swaney WT2, Marshall A3, Mcglone FP4. C-tactile afferents: Cutaneous mediators of oxytocin release during affiliative tactile interactions? Neuropeptides. 2017 Aug;64:27-38. doi: 10.1016/j.npep.2017.01.001. Epub 2017 Jan 19. PMID: 28162847.
6. Rolls ET et all. Representations of pleasant and painful touch in the human orbitofrontal and cingulate cortices. Cereb Cortex. 2003 Mar;13(3):308-17. PMID: 12571120.
7. Francis S, Rolls ET, Bowtell R, McGlone F, O’Doherty J, Browning A, Clare S, Smith E. The representation of pleasant touch in the brain and its relationship with taste and olfactory areas. Neuroreport. 1999 Feb 25;10(3):453-9. PMID: 10208571.
8. Löken LS, Wessberg J, Morrison I, McGlone F, Olausson H. Coding of pleasant touch by unmyelinated afferents in humans. Nat Neurosci. 2009 May;12(5):547-8. Epub 2009 Apr 12. PMID: 19363489.
10. Chen L, Deng H, Cui H, Fang J, Zuo Z, Deng J, Li Y, Wang X, Zhao L. Inflammatory responses and inflammation-associated diseases in organs. Oncotarget. 2017 Dec 14;9(6):7204-7218. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.23208. PMID: 29467962; PMCID: PMC5805548.
11. Hopkins E, Sanvictores T, Sharma S. Physiology, Acid Base Balance. [Updated 2022 Sep 12]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-.
12. Silvagno F, Vernone A, Pescarmona GP. The Role of Glutathione in Protecting against the Severe Inflammatory Response Triggered by COVID-19. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020 Jul 16;9(7):624. doi: 10.3390/antiox9070624. PMID: 32708578; PMCID: PMC7402141.
13. Holm T, Brøgger-Jensen MR, Johnson L, Kessel L.Glutathione preservation during storage of rat lenses in optisol-GS and castor oil. PLoS One. 2013 Nov 19;8(11):e79620. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079620. eCollection 2013. PMID: 24260265
14. Sorin Tunaru,a Till F. Althoff,a Rolf M. Nüsing,b Martin Diener,c and Stefan Offermannsa,d,1 Castor oil induces laxation and uterus contraction via ricinoleic acid activating prostaglandin EP3 receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jun 5; 109(23): 9179–9184. Published online 2012 May 21. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1201627109 PMID: 22615395
15. Andrade IM1, Andrade KM2, Pisani MX1, Silva-Lovato CH1, de Souza RF1, Paranhos Hde F1.Trial of an experimental castor oil solution for cleaning dentures. Braz Dent J. 2014 Jan-Feb;25(1):43-7.
16. Badaró MM, Salles MM, Leite VMF, Arruda CNF, Oliveira VC, Nascimento CD, Souza RF, Paranhos HFO, Silva-Lovato CH. Clinical trial for evaluation of Ricinus communis and sodium hypochlorite as denture cleanser.J Appl Oral Sci. 2017 May-Jun; 25(3):324-334.
17. Salles MM, Badaró MM, Arruda CN, Leite VM, Silva CH, Watanabe E, Oliveira Vde C, Paranhos Hde F. Antimicrobial activity of complete denture cleanser solutions based on sodium hypochlorite and Ricinus communis – a randomized clinical study.J Appl Oral Sci. 2015 Nov-Dec; 23(6):637-42.



    Disclaimer: Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, information or content expressed or made available by third parties, including information providers, are those of the respective authors or distributors. Neither Queen of the Thrones® nor any third-party provider of information guarantees the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any content. This communication does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Information provided does not replace the advice of your health care practitioner. If you happen to purchase anything we promote, in this or any of our communications, it’s likely Queen of the Thrones® will receive some kind of affiliate compensation. Still, we only promote content and products that we truly believe in and share with our friends, family and patients. If you ever have a concern with anything we share, please let us know at care@queenofthethrones.com. We want to make sure we are always serving Our Queendom at the highest level.

    How to cleanse while you sleep with Castor Oil Packs

    How to cleanse while you sleep with Castor Oil Packs

    How to Cleanse while you sleep with Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs

    How to cleanse while you sleep with Castor Oil Packs

    Written by: Victoria Williams R.H.N. Victoria Williams Director of Operations at Queen of the Thrones Victoria Williams R.H.N.
    Victoria is Head of Operations at Queen of the Thrones®. Victoria obtained a Pre-Health Science Certificate with Honours from Georgian College, which ignited her passion for natural wellness and nutrition.
    Full bio

    Medically reviewed by: Melanie Swackhammer, BA

    Est. reading time: 10 minutes.


    Everybody wants to cleanse when it’s spring, would you agree?

    While cleansing is a natural body function, did you know it doesn’t happen just once a year? In fact, it’s a daily occurrence – correction, it’s a nightly occurrence.

    Here you will learn how to cleanse while you sleep with Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs and the Eye Compress no matter the time of year.

    So when your patients, and you, are looking for support in removing the discomforts of leaky gut and hormone imbalance symptoms from the stress they’ve been dealing with, to feel their best in their bodies with the energy of an Olympic athlete… wanting it all now, and by now they mean yesterday…

    You’ll be ready to share an easy, doable, Queen of the Thrones® Day & Night Detox Kit.

    The above scenario sounds all too familiar? Correct?

    This is a perfect example of what you find yourself or your patient saying…

    Balance your Health and Recover your Energy and with Queen of the Thrones Castor Oil Packs

    “I’m so desperately wanting to clean up my life, and not just emptying my closets and decluttering my house… It’s me! I don’t have the energy to do everything I want to do. I’m constipated, always exhausted, can’t sleep and I’m so stressed, and I feel like my brain is all fogged up.”

    And then the question comes…

    Can I cleanse & detox with a supplement?

    Cleansing with Queen of the Thrones Castor Oil Packs help to improve your health

    Ah yes, the one and done supplemental band-aid prescription. Everybody wants it. Even you and you know better. But that’s ok, because it’s human nature, especially living in today’s day and age.

    We want it now, and by now I mean yesterday. Can you relate?

    But you look back on your life, and what have the quick fixes done for you? Nothing, because nobody benefits from it in the long run. It may feel good for a period of time but leaves you in the same place you started in. A rut. Agreed?

    The key to cleansing and detoxing isn’t seasonal, it’s nightly

    What Works? It’s not something you just do in the spring, although it’s a great time to start. What really shifts overtime and improves your leaky gut and hormone Imbalance, is the regular practice of supporting what your body does best.

    Sleeping, resting, healing and cleaning!

    Yes, that’s right, easy practices that you repeat nightly that become as easy and mindless as brushing your teeth because you know you need to brush off the biofilm for good dental health to prevent cavities, agreed?

    Well, your body is no different. There is a way to support your regular, nightly and daytime cleansing.

    What about dairy?

    You know as much as you, or your patients would love to do a “trendy” cleanse or detox that, for most of us, is just too hard. Too many bells and whistles to commit to, right?

    Because a cleanse or detox, well that my friend, involves giving up the things you and they love, like red wine, gluten and dairy, and maybe other foods that they find on their food sensitivity testing.

    Plus, they’ve either experienced before or heard about the dreadful and very possible aggravating symptoms.

    Learn with Queen of the Thrones What you should avoid during a Cleanse and Detox process

    And how are you going to get them, or yourself to do a complicated cleanse or detox if they don’t have the energy to do it?I mean this is why they are sitting in front of you, with ZERO energy, correct?

    So, to even initiate a single task or avoid yourself or your patients experiencing another uncomfortable symptom, you are going to have to get creative. Sound too good to be true?

    It’s not, read on…

    Because you can cleanse and detox while you sleep,

    Here’s how…

    What’s in a name? Well, everything.

    You know your patients are exhausted, you know the first step to healing is like when you are building a house from scratch.

    You clean (cleanse or detox) up the land (your body) before building a house so you have a strong sturdy foundation. Makes sense, agreed?

    But if there isn’t any energy, how can this happen?

    Easily, with the Queen of the Thrones® Day & Night Detox Kit, complete with your Castor Oil Liver Pack, Eye Compress and Dry Brush.

    Once you have your pack on, you then dab a couple drops of castor oil around the fine lines and wrinkles on your face, so you can reduce signs of aging, enhance circulation7 and lymphatic drainage. What’s next?

    You then slip on your Eye Compress and get comfy in your bed. When your head hits the pillow you’re relaxed as your eye compress gently blocks out distracting lights and makes you feel sleepy because it supports melatonin production8-9.

    Plus, your Castor Oil Liver Pack feels like a hug that naturally stimulates the production of your feel-good hormones, oxytocin10-11 and dopamine12-13, so you’re ready to drift off into a relaxing deep slumber. Wonderful, agreed?

    Morning comes and you start your shower, setting aside your Dry Brush & Castor Oil for when you step out. Starting from your ankles, working your way to your heart, you gently brush small circular motions.

    The best part? It’s truly relaxing but what it’s doing is delivering anti-inflammatory14 nutrients like vitamin E, polyphenols and omegas15-16 and stimulating lymphatic flow. Why does this matter in the morning? Read on!

    Now, you might be wondering because your patients might ask you…

    Why and how does cleansing, detox and drainage happen while I’m sleeping?

    Working with the body and the natural laws, we are already privy, according to traditional Chinese Medicine Doctors, that the hour of the liver is between 1-3 am, where the majority of liver detox occurs, at 3-5am the lungs supports lymphatic drainage, and at 5-7am is when colon cleansing occurs.

    So, detox, drainage and cleansing overnight in the liver, lymphatics and colon can happen overnight when you’re sleeping.

    This is connected to chronobiology research, the best time to do things for your body supports what the ancient Chinese doctors already knew.

    What supports cleansing overnight, wearing a sleep aid compress to naturally promote melatonin. When you wake up in the morning, naturally pump cortisol with a dry brush.

    Day and Night Fluctuations ot your Rest and Alert Hormones by Queen of the Thrones

    Both the liver and microbiome are most active during sleep, and there is a lot of cleaning going on, so why not:

    • Promote healthy sleep
    • Support the gut and microbiome
    • Reduce inflammation in the liver

    All this to simply support and help the body naturally to do what it is supposed to do, stay clean!

    To learn more about how to support the rhythm of your day and night detox cycle Click here.

    Are you a practitioner, health coach or wellness influencer? If you’re interested in recommending our easy-to-use tools and practically applying them in your health and wellness professional practice, in clinic, or online with the people you serve, you can join now!

    Click here for references

    1. Holm T, Brøgger-Jensen MR, Johnson L, Kessel L.Glutathione preservation during storage of rat lenses in opti-sol-GS and castor oil. PLoS One. 2013 Nov 19;8(11):e79620. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0079620. eCollection 2013. PMID:24260265

    2. Sikandar S, Dickenson AH. Visceral pain: the ins and outs, the ups and downs. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care. 2012 Mar;6(1):17-26. doi: 10.1097/SPC.0b013e32834f6ec9. PMID: 22246042; PMCID: PMC3

    3. Arslan GG, Eşer I. An examination of the effect of castor oil packs on constipation in the elderly. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Feb;17(1):58-62. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2010.04.004. Epub 2010 May 18. PMID: 21168117

    4. Sorin Tunaru,a Till F. Althoff,a Rolf M. Nüsing,b Martin Diener,c and Stefan Offermannsa,d,1 Castor oil induces laxation and uterus contraction via ricinoleic acid activating prostaglandin EP3 receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jun 5; 109(23): 9179–9184. Published online 2012 May 21. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1201627109 PMID: 22615395

    5. Moore JE Jr, Bertram CD. Lymphatic System Flows. Annu Rev Fluid Mech. 2018 Jan;50:459-482. doi: 10.1146/annurev-fluid-122316-045259. PMID: 29713107; PMCID: PMC5922450

    6. Zawieja DC. Contractile physiology of lymphatics. Lymphat Res Biol. 2009;7(2):87-96. doi: 10.1089/lrb.2009.0007. PMID: 19534632; PMCID: PMC2925033.

    7. Mascolo N1, Izzo AA, Autore G, Barbato F, Capasso F.Nitric oxide and castor oil-induced diarrhea.J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1994 Jan;268(1):291-5. PMID: 8301570.

    8. Rong-fang Hu, Xiao-ying Jiang, Yi-ming Zeng, Xiao-yang Chen, You-hua Zhang. Effects of earplugs and eye masks on nocturnal sleep, melatonin and cortisol in a simulated intensive care unit environment. Published online 2010 Apr 18. PMID: 20398302.

    9. Khoddam H, Maddah SA, Rezvani Khorshidi S, Zaman Kamkar M, Modanloo M. The effects of earplugs and eye masks on sleep quality of patients admitted to coronary care units: A randomised clinical trial. J Sleep Res. 2022 Apr;31(2):e13473. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13473. Epub 2021 Sep 12. PMID: 34514653.

    10. Walker SC1, Trotter PD2, Swaney WT2, Marshall A3, Mcglone FP4. C-tactile afferents: Cutaneous mediators of oxytocin release during affiliative tactile interactions? Neuropeptides. 2017 Aug;64:27-38. doi: 10.1016/j.npep.2017.01.001. Epub 2017 Jan 19. PMID: 28162847.

    11. Rolls ET et all. Representations of pleasant and painful touch in the human orbitofrontal and cingulate cortices. Cereb Cortex. 2003 Mar;13(3):308-17. PMID: 12571120.

    12. Francis S, Rolls ET, Bowtell R, McGlone F, O’Doherty J, Browning A, Clare S, Smith E. The representation of pleasant touch in the brain and its relationship with taste and olfactory areas. Neuroreport. 1999 Feb 25;10(3):453-9. PMID: 10208571

    13. Löken LS, Wessberg J, Morrison I, McGlone F, Olausson H. Coding of pleasant touch by unmyelinated afferents in humans. Nat Neurosci. 2009 May;12(5):547-8. Epub 2009 Apr 12. PMID: 19363489.

    14. Vieira C et al. .Eect of ricinoleic acid in acute and subchronic experimental models of inflammation. Mediators Inflamm. 2000;9(5):223-8 PMID: 11200362.

    15. Marwat SK, Rehman F, Khan EA, Baloch MS, Sadiq M, Ullah I, Javaria S, Shaheen S. Review – Ricinus communis – Ethnomedicinal uses and pharmacological activities.Pak J Pharm Sci. 2017 Sep;30(5):1815-1827.

    16. Patel VR, Dumancas GG, Kasi Viswanath LC, Maples R, Subong BJ. Castor Oil: Properties, Uses, and Optimization of Processing Parameters in Commercial Production. Lipid Insights. 2016 Sep 7;9:1-12. doi: 10.4137/LPI.S40233. PMID: 27656091; PMCID: PMC5015816.


    Disclaimer: Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, information or content expressed or made available by third parties, including information providers, are those of the respective authors or distributors. Neither Queen of the Thrones® nor any third-party provider of information guarantees the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any content. This communication does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Information provided does not replace the advice of your health care practitioner. If you happen to purchase anything we promote, in this or any of our communications, it’s likely Queen of the Thrones® will receive some kind of affiliate compensation. Still, we only promote content and products that we truly believe in and share with our friends, family and patients. If you ever have a concern with anything we share, please let us know at care@queenofthethrones.com. We want to make sure we are always serving Our Queendom at the highest level.

    Is Liver Detox the Missing Piece to Your Autoimmune Flares?

    Is Liver Detox the Missing Piece to Your Autoimmune Flares?

    Gluten and dairy sensibilities by Queen of the Thrones

    Is Liver Detox the Missing Piece to Your Autoimmune Flares?

    Written by: Amanda Runnels, NTP, RWP, AIP Certified Coach.
    Medically reviewed by: Melanie Swackhammer, BA

    Est. reading time: 9 minutes.


    Have you wondered where those mystery autoimmune flares come from?

    If you struggle with autoimmune disease, you know how debilitating a flare can be, right?

    You may even find yourself in the same boat that I’ve been in a time or two – weeks of feeling amazing and totally able to take on the world, just to find that one morning, out of nowhere, you wake up and feel like a truck has run you over. Can you relate?

    When it comes to autoimmunity, there are multiple triggers that can send us into a flare and often with little warning. It can feel like a bit of a puzzle figuring out what’s triggering yours!

    What comes to mind when you hear “autoimmune trigger”?

    Well, when managing an autoimmune disease, it’s important to learn what your triggers might be.

    If you’ve been at this for awhile, you probably already have a few that pop into your mind when you hear “trigger”. Maybe it’s:

    • Stress
    • Gluten
    • Sugar
    • Sleep
    • Nightshades
    • Environmental toxins
    • Inflammation
    • Leaky Gut

    Do any of those ring true for you? They do for me, too!

    I want to share with you, though, that there is something even deeper that could be setting you up for a flare – if not stalling your progress altogether.

    Is your inflammation of the liver sabotaging you?

    The liver is one of the hardest-working organs in the body. It carries out more than 500 vital functions – at the same time, all day, every day! So, it’s extremely important that we give our liver as much T.L.C. as possible. Makes sense, agreed?

    Some of its most critical functions in the arena of autoimmunity are bile production, hormone clearance, and detoxification.

    Let’s break each part down just a bit:

    Bile production:

    Bile is a necessary ingredient when it comes to an important topic…poop.


    You see, without proper bile production, dietary fats will not get broken down appropriately, and eventually, this leads to the bottleneck of constipation.

    If you aren’t pooping…you aren’t eliminating waste, and this helps to create the setup needed for some of those classic triggers…leaky gut, and inflammation.

    Hormone Clearance:

    Estrogen is one of the main hormones that the liver clears from the body.

    You see, if estrogen isn’t being effectively removed from circulation by the liver, it becomes elevated. When estrogen is elevated, it is thought to increase inflammation which then causes the immune system to move into overdrive.

    For someone with autoimmunity, we want the opposite…the immune system needs to calm down, not ramp up.

    Liver Detoxification:

    The liver is the body’s primary filtration system. Amazing, right?

    With help from the kidneys, intestines, and lymphatic system, it cleans toxins from the bloodstream and turns them into waste which we then eliminate…it all goes back to that topic of poop!

    But when the liver is under stress, its ability to filter toxins out is compromised. So, those toxins remain in circulation and not only create cell damage, but also increase inflammation.

    Importantly, it is also believed that toxins may impair the thymus, a vital player in the immune system that provides protection against the development of autoimmune disease.1,2

    So, keeping the liver happy is a huge puzzle piece in supporting overall health AND diminishing autoimmune flares!

    Would you love to know how you can use Castor Oil Packs to support liver detox?

    Wanna know how you can show your liver some love with liver detox?

    Of course you do! You’re a smart cookie…otherwise, you wouldn’t be researching ways to take charge of your health!

    There are lots of ways to support your liver and help it perform its job of detoxing. One of the most powerful, yet simple ways that I’ve found is the Castor Oil Pack for Liver, and Queen of the Thrones® makes it easy (and clean!) to use.

    Absorbed through the skin, castor oil helps to accelerate the removal of toxins through better bowel movements, stimulate bile flow, move the lymphatic system and decrease inflammation.3, 4, 5

    So, this is why I use and recommend Queen of the Thrones®️ Castor Oil Packs for Liver to my clients; to date, it’s the easiest, cleanest delivery method I’ve found for using Castor Oil Packs!

    Plus, I know the quality of Castor Oil I’m getting is superior – all organic and no junk diluting it! Sounds wonderful, agreed?

    I also recommend a few other easy-to-incorporate supports:

    1. Eat your (bitter) greens!

    Veggies like dandelion roots and greens, arugula, radicchio, mustard greens and burdock are great supports for the liver.

    2. Add in liver-loving foods and consider an anti-inflammatory diet.

    Bone broth, beets, artichoke and garlic are a few go-to foods for supporting the liver. If you have a diagnosed autoimmune condition, you might consider a therapeutic diet such as the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol (AIP). This has been instrumental in my own healing journey.

    3. Reduce toxic exposure.

    Removing plastics from your kitchen is a great place to start eliminating toxins. Cleaning up your personal care and home care items is important, too; the Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a fantastic source for rating the toxicity of your personal and home care items.

    4. Incorporate “adjunct” liver detox strategies.

    I’m a huge fan of infrared sauna sessions for stimulating liver detox. I use these in conjunction with my Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Liver Pack and dry brushing (not all at the same time).

    Other great strategies to include are movement, Epsom salt baths and lymphatic massage.

    Putting together your autoimmune “puzzle”

    With autoimmunity, some days can feel like “optimal health” is a giant jigsaw puzzle that’s been dumped out onto the floor. Does this sound like you?

    But, as you begin to pick those pieces up and put them together, you might find that one is missing and that the picture just isn’t coming together… and it could very well be that your liver needs attention. It’s ok, you’re still in the right place.

    So, I say start supporting liver detox simply with a method that’s been proven to be effective. Strap on a Queen of the Thrones® Liver Castor Oil Pack and get to detoxing! Your liver will thank you!

    Author Bio:

    Amanda believes that the rest of your life can be the best of your life! She is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Restorative Wellness Practitioner and AIP Certified Coach who focuses on women’s health and issues related to autoimmune disease. Diagnosed in 2014 with multiple Autoimmune disorders, she knew she had to make the decision to be proactive about her health and learn new ways of doing things.

    Amanda quickly implemented dietary and lifestyle changes including using the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol, enhanced liver support and stress reduction; within months, she began seeing and feeling improvement in her health. Inspired by her own experience, she’s made it her mission to tell others that it’s possible to live your best life, even with an autoimmune disease! You can find her autoimmune adventures as well as her catalog of anti-inflammatory recipes at www.unrefinedjunkie.com or connect with her socially at @unrefinedjunkie

    Learn more about how Castor Oil Packs work and why you need the compress with the oil to truly start waking up like new.

    Are you a practitioner, health coach or wellness influencer? If you’re interested in…

    • Recommending our easy-to-use tools to the people you serve.
    • Practically applying them in your health and wellness professional practice in clinic or online.
    • Or becoming a Wholesale Partner

    Contact us at: royalty@queenofthethrones.com

    Click here for references

    1. Schuurman HJ, Van Loveren H, Rozing J, Vos JG. Chemicals trophic for the thymus: risk for immunodeficiency and autoimmunity. Int J Immunopharmacol. 1992 Apr;14(3):369-75. doi: 10.1016/0192-0561(92)90166-i. PMID: 1618591.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1618591/

    2. Marx A, Yamada Y, Simon-Keller K, Schalke B, Willcox N, Ströbel P, Weis CA. Thymus and autoimmunity. Semin Immunopathol. 2021 Feb;43(1):45-64. doi: 10.1007/s00281-021-00842-3. Epub 2021 Feb 3. PMID: 33537838; PMCID: PMC7925479.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7925479/

    3. Vieira C, Evangelista S, Cirillo R, Lippi A, Maggi CA, Manzini S. Effect of ricinoleic acid in acute and subchronic experimental models of inflammation. Mediators Inflamm. 2000;9(5):223-8. doi: 10.1080/09629350020025737. PMID: 11200362; PMCID: PMC1781.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1781768/

    4. Vieira C, Evangelista S, Cirillo R, Lippi A, Maggi CA, Manzini S. Effect of ricinoleic acid in acute and subchronic experimental models of inflammation. Mediators Inflamm. 2000;9(5):223-8. doi: 10.1080/09629350020025737. PMID: 11200362; PMCID: PMC1781768. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11200362



    Disclaimer: Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, information or content expressed or made available by third parties, including information providers, are those of the respective authors or distributors. Neither Queen of the Thrones® nor any third-party provider of information guarantees the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any content. This communication does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Information provided does not replace the advice of your health care practitioner. If you happen to purchase anything we promote, in this or any of our communications, it’s likely Queen of the Thrones® will receive some kind of affiliate compensation. Still, we only promote content and products that we truly believe in and share with our friends, family and patients. If you ever have a concern with anything we share, please let us know at care@queenofthethrones.com. We want to make sure we are always serving Our Queendom at the highest level.

    What’s the difference between cleansing and detoxification?

    What’s the difference between cleansing and detoxification?

    What’s the difference between cleansing and detoxification by Queen of the Thrones

    What’s the difference between cleansing and detoxification?

    Written by: Marisol Teijeiro N.D. (inactive)
    Medically reviewed by: Melanie Swackhammer B.A.

    Est. reading time: 9 minutes.

    “How can I help my body cleanse and detox naturally?”

    When I first heard about cleansing and detox I was under the impression that it was just a fad that would soon disappear, know what I mean?

    But, the truth is, cleansing and detoxification are just as important as getting enough sleep at night and drinking enough water. Intrigued?

    Well, you’re in the right place because we’re also going to uncover simple practices you can do at home so you can know how to support natural cleansing and detoxification.

    So, let’s first establish what cleansing and detoxification is

    Cleansing is the ability for our bodies to eliminate waste and detoxification is the process of breaking things down (toxins, heavy metals, etc.) and packaging them to be eliminated. Make sense?

    When I began my journey and dove deep into the science and learning of what natural medicine truly is, I soon realized that cleansing and detoxification practices aren’t a new-age Hollywood hippie thing like I thought.

    In fact, their roots date back to before Biblical times, basically to the beginning of the conscious human!

    ueen of the Thrones explains that Cleansing is the ability of our bodies to eliminate waste

    More and more practitioners are realizing the benefit of incorporating these treatments and therapies into their practice, and know supplements and food aren’t going to work on their own for liver detox and lymphatic cleansing.

    You see, they need help from natural cleansing tools like the Queen of the Thrones®️ Castor Oil Liver Pack because everyone is pretty much walking around with a leaky gut.

    According to Queen of the Thrones Detoxification is the process of breaking toxins heavy down

    Hearing the word ‘cleanse’ or ‘detox’ can immediately feel intimidating, so be gentle with yourself if you feel this way. Lymphatic cleansing, colon cleansing and liver detox is for everyone!

    You see, both detoxing and cleansing help with rebalancing the system, whether you’re suffering from:

    • a hormonal imbalance (infertility, menopause, estrogen dominacne, PCOS)
    • a digestive issue (leaky gut, IBS, etc.)
    • or any of the other hundreds of labels given to problems in the body

    What is the difference between cleansing and detoxification?

    When I began to explore cleansing and detoxing, I thought they were used interchangeably. I was confused, and I know you might be too.

    Let’s start by clarifying these important terms and then delving into the 5 most important keys to re-engaging these vital life-promoting, disease-destroying functions of our glorious bodies, shall we?

    Cleansing is the ability for our bodies to eliminate waste created in our systems by the foods we eat and what we accumulate just by living on planet earth.

    It’s basically removing the bad stuff to make room for the good stuff!

    Detoxification on the other hand, is the metabolic transformation of a substance.

    In simpler terms, it’s the processes our bodies use to transform substances, preparing them to be eliminated.

    Kind of like the night before garbage day. Detox is when you package up your garbage and get it ready.

    Cleansing is when you actually pick up the garbage from under your sink and carry it out to the curb. Makes sense, right?

    ueen of the Thrones explains that detoxing and cleansing help with rebalancing your system

    But, you might be wondering…

    “How does my body cleanse naturally?”

    Your body cleanses through cleansing pathways and the 5 most important pathways include:

    Stools – Your stools are the primary vehicle for the elimination. After all, what we eat must come out.

    Urine – Your pee is the primary vehicle that eliminates what the stools cannot, which is often excesses of heavy metals and other substances such as uric acid.

    Sweat – A secondary cleansing pathway. That’s why some people like to use dry saunas as a way to cleanse through sweating. People often notice a smelly body odor if they’re having problems with constipation. This just shows how smart our bodies are! You see, our bodies are always searching for a way to get the things out that are no good for us.

    Breath – This is an easy one because breath is well known for the elimination of carbon dioxide.

    Periods – For women, our periods are a vehicle for eliminating toxicity.

    As for women experiencing menopause, it’s researched that after losing their periods, they’ll experience hot flashes as an adaptation to continue elimination, since they’re so toxic.

    So, simply put: in order for the body to cleanse, hot flashes replace periods.

    Discover with Queen of the Thrones®️ how the body cleanses

    What are the stages of detox within the body?

    Detoxification mainly occurs in 3 phases in 4 places of the body:


    1. Liver – Phase 1 and 2 detoxification helps to package and transform substances that aren’t easy to eliminate via the cleansing pathways, so that’s where the liver comes in.
    2. Kidneys – Part of phase 3 happens in the kidneys, where further filtration occurs.
    3. Mucous Membranes – Part of phase 3 happens within mucous membranes and is most predominant in the gut. This is the final stage of detoxification before cleansing.
    4. Various cells in the body – All aid in the detoxification process.
    Learn what are the three faces of detox with Queen of the Thrones

    Both cleansing and detoxification are deeply connected, make sense?

    Many of my patients have asked me where to begin when approaching a cleanse or detox.

    The best part about cleansing is that it doesn’t have to be overly complicated, especially when you’re in the stage of simply exploring just how smart your body is.

    So how about starting with the basics: having healthy bowel movements. Sounds easy, right?

    The best part? Your Queen of the Thrones®️ Castor Oil Pack for Liver Kit is your new and easy way to support healthy bowel movements1, better absorption2 as well as colon cleansing plus lymphatic and liver detox3. Amazing, right?

    So, to help you start your journey into cleansing, I’ve created a FREE easy guideline that supports natural cleansing and yes, healthy bowel movements are part of it, too.

    After all, having good bowel movements starts with how you digest and absorb your food.

    According to Queen of the Thrones water is one of the easiest ways for our bodies to cleanse and detox

    Don’t worry, this isn’t where I tell you to drink nothing but prune juice for 3 days.

    This is where I tell you that beginning to cleanse can be as easy as incorporating drinking more water into the daily rituals you already do.

    Plus, cleansing is as easy as adding new natural health tools into your daily practices so you can…

    • Restore flow to your body
    • Support better absorption from your food and supplements
    • Enhance your body’s natural cleansing pathways

    Are you a practitioner, health coach or wellness influencer? If you’re interested in recommending our easy-to-use tools and practically applying them in your health and wellness professional practice in clinic or online with the people you serve or become a wholesale partner, contact us at: royalty@queenofthethrones.com

    Click here for references

    1. Holm T, Brøgger-Jensen MR, Johnson L, Kessel L.Glutathione preservation during storage of rat lenses in opti-sol-GS and castor oil. PLoS One. 2013 Nov 19;8(11):e79620. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079620. eCollection 2013. PMID: 24260265.

    2. Boddu SH1, Alsaab H2, Umar S3, Bonam SP2, Gupta H2, Ahmed S3. Anti-inflammatory effects of a novel ricinoleic acid poloxamer gel system for transdermal delivery. Int J Pharm. 2015 Feb 1;479(1):207-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2014.12.051. Epub 2014 Dec 24.

    3. Holm T, Brøgger-Jensen MR, Johnson L, Kessel L.Glutathione preservation during storage of rat lenses in opti-sol-GS and castor oil. PLoS One. 2013 Nov 19;8(11):e79620. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079620. eCollection 2013. PMID: 24260265.


    Disclaimer: Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, information or content expressed or made available by third parties, including information providers, are those of the respective authors or distributors. Neither Queen of the Thrones® nor any third-party provider of information guarantees the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any content. This communication does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Information provided does not replace the advice of your health care practitioner. If you happen to purchase anything we promote, in this or any of our communications, it’s likely Queen of the Thrones® will receive some kind of affiliate compensation. Still, we only promote content and products that we truly believe in and share with our friends, family and patients. If you ever have a concern with anything we share, please let us know at care@queenofthethrones.com. We want to make sure we are always serving Our Queendom at the highest level.