How Castor Oil May Help Support Hair Loss Due to Menopause

How Castor Oil May Help Support Hair Loss Due to Menopause

How Castor Oil May Help Support Hair Loss Due to Menopause by Queen of the Thrones

How Castor Oil May Help Support Hair Loss Due to Menopause

Written by: Heather Tanti R.P.N (non-practicing)

Medically reviewed by: Melanie Swackhammer B.A.

Est. reading time: 12 minutes

Let’s be honest; your hair can make or break your day at times. A bad hair day can have an impact on everything from your self-confidence, to the way others view you.

But beyond bad hair days lies the physical, mental and emotional aspects that come with the hormonal changes to your hair caused by menopause. If you find yourself in this transitional phase of life, you may be all-too-familiar with unwanted changes that may be happening to your hair, agreed?

Perhaps you’ve found yourself circling your local pharmacy for specialty shampoos and conditioners, hair mask treatments, etc., trying to find anything that will possibly help with menopause hair loss. Is this you? You’re not alone.

In this blog, you’ll discover the ins and outs of hair loss, hair thinning, and everything in between when it comes to menopause and your hormones. Plus, you’ll even uncover an all natural Castor Oil shampoo recipe that helps support healthy-looking hair. Let’s begin, shall we?

What is menopause?

Ever wondered why your once predictable body is suddenly reacting in unfamiliar ways? Menopause, a term shrouded in uncertainty, marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years—the finale of the menstrual cycle. 

What is Menopause by Queen of the Thrones

Picture it as the gradual dimming of lights on a long-running production.

This natural process typically hits in the late 40s or early 50s, unfolding at its own pace for each woman.1 Menopause is a hormonal tango, featuring estrogen and progesterone that  triggers unpredictable changes within your body.

From hot flashes and mood swings to shifts in sleep patterns, menopause introduces an array of bodily changes, making the journey both unpredictable and challenging, especially when it comes to your hair.

Menopause hair changes

Have you been noticing your hair swirling down the drain during your showers? Or maybe your hairbrush has been gathering those precious strands more than usual these days. Can you relate?

As women get older, they’re more likely to deal with hair loss or hair thinning, especially after menopause. Recent stats say that approximately 80% of women have hair loss by the time they hit 60 years old.2

Thinning hair from menopause

Is your hair lacking volume? During menopause, hormonal shifts and aging can affect your hair follicles, causing issues like thinning, loss of volume, and changes in texture. These changes are mainly due to a drop in estrogen levels. 

It’s important to note that not every woman goes through menopause hair loss, and the degree of transformation varies widely from person to person. Genetic factors, stress, diet, and other elements also play a role in this variation.3

But what about the emotional side to dealing with thinning hair? It’s perfectly normal to feel a bit disheartened or frustrated, but remember, you’re not alone.

To help navigate this phase successfully, it’s important to understand the science behind menopausal hair thinning. 

Queen of the Thrones menopausal hair thinning insights and support

Essentially, as estrogen decreases, the hair growth cycle is disrupted, leading to more hair in the resting phase and less in the growing phase. This often results in overall thinner hair, and while it’s a natural part of the process, there are ways to help support it, so keep reading to find out!

Hair loss due to menopause

Having a midlife hair crisis? It might be menopause.

As estrogen levels decline during menopause, the delicate balance in hormonal fluctuations can impact various aspects of our well-being, including hair health. Estrogen plays an important role in maintaining the hair growth cycle, and when it begins to decline, it can lead to a condition known as female pattern hair loss.4

This form of hair less typically manifests as a widening part, or a noticeable decrease in overall hair volume.

Queen of-the Thrones understanding menopausal hair crisis

Hair loss is more than just a physical change, however. It’s an emotional journey that many women grapple with silently. Can you relate?

It’s essential to acknowledge these feelings of frustration, self-consciousness, and even grief that may accompany this transformative period in your life.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach for menopausal hair loss, there are natural options that may help support this phase that we will touch on soon.

Menopause facial hair

As if hair thinning and hair loss wasn’t enough to contend with, but now you’re sprouting facial hair? Is this normal? 

Following menopause, women might undergo a decrease in estradiol (E2) levels, alongside an increase in testosterone (T) and low SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) levels. 

This hormonal change can result in subtle indicators of hyperandrogenemia (the excessive presence of the male sex hormones testosterone, androsterone and androstenedione in women), such as the gradual appearance of fine facial hair or an escalation in scalp hair loss.5

While unwanted facial hair is a natural part of the hormonal shifts that happen with menopause, the emotional impact can weigh heavy. Society often places pressure on women to have smooth, hair-free skin, which can make this change feel like an unwelcome departure from societal norms.

While challenging to navigate, it’s important to recognize that this is a shared experience among many women, and it does not diminish your beauty or femininity.

Can hair grow back after menopause?

Now, you may be wondering- Can hair grow back after menopause? Thankfully, menopause hair loss often isn’t permanent.

Can hair grow back after menopause by Queen of the Thrones

Factors that may affect hair regrowth include:

Hormone Balance: Maintaining hormone balance may possibly help create a more conducive environment for hair regrowth.6 Some ways to achieve hormone balance is through hormone replacement therapy.

Another natural way to help support your hormones is with a Castor Oil Pack, which you can wear over your pelvic and hip area.

You see, wearing a Castor Oil Pack over your pelvic region is thought to nourish your reproductive organs and support hormone balancing.

Would you love to know more? Well, Queen of the Thrones® has created an easy, less-mess way to do a pelvic Castor Oil Pack practice with their Pelvis & Hips Castor Oil Pack made with high quality organic materials and third-party tested, practitioner-grade Castor Oil..

Nutrition & Lifestyle: As you know, a balanced and nutrient-rich diet is key for maintaining overall well-being, including hair health.7 Ensuring your diet consists of vitamins and minerals such as biotin, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids is important.

While there are various ways to support hair regrowth after menopause, it’s important to approach this delicately and with realistic expectations. Factors such as genetic predisposition, overall health, and the duration of hair loss can influence the hair regrowth, meaning outcomes may vary from person to person.

Benefits of Castor Oil for hair

Have you ever wondered about Castor Oil for your hair? This age-old golden oil has been used for centuries as a natural approach for hair care, skin care, nail care, and overall wellness support.

So, what are some of the natural ways Castor Oil can become a wonderful ally for your hair during menopause?

  1. Hydration & Moisture: Menopause can bring about dryness, leading to limp, dull hair. Castor Oil’s rich, nourishing properties make it an excellent natural emollient, loaded with vitamin E and fatty acids8. This means it may be able to help lock in moisture, and bring hydration to your strands.


  2. Stimulating Hair Growth: Castor Oil has been thought to help stimulate hair growth. The ricinoleic acid it contains may help bring more circulation to the scalp, supporting the nourishing of hair follicles.

  3. Support for Hair Thinning: Hormonal shifts during menopause can contribute to thinning hair. Castor Oil’s nutrient-rich composition, including omega-6 fatty acids, supports hair follicles, potentially limiting the impact of thinning.9 Plus, regular scalp massage with Castor Oil may help encourage a healthier scalp environment, thanks to Castor Oil’s antimicrobial10A and anti-inflammatory11 properties.
How can Castor Oil be used for Hair by Queen of the Thrones

Sounds good, agreed? But not all Castor Oil is made equally. Always ensure your Castor Oil is 100% pure, hexane free, extra virgin and bottled in glass- like Queen of the Thrones® Golden Castor Oil!

Let’s go a little deeper into how Castor Oil may help support healthier looking hair!

Castor Oil for hair growth

Castor Oil for Hair loss by Queen of the Thrones

Castor Oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, a unique fatty acid that looks like a prostaglandin (a molecular messenger that reduces inflammation)12. Curious what this has to do with  menopausal hair loss?

Well, when applied to the scalp it is believed that Castor Oil may support slowing down inflammation via stimulation of the hair follicle. Plus, it may also help promote blood circulation via nitric oxide,13 supporting better nutrient and oxygen delivery to the hair follicles, potentially helping with hair growth.

Pretty neat, right? Plus, Castor Oil’s antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties10B may help combat scalp conditions that might limit hair growth, including dandruff and/or fungal infections.

You see, by maintaining a clean and balanced scalp, Castor Oil is thought to help support an ideal environment for hair growth.

Castor Oil for dry, brittle hair

Struggling with dry, brittle hair? Skip the hot oil treatment of the 90’s and try Castor Oil! This oil is rich in ricinolein, a monounsaturated fatty acid that allows it to act as natural moisturizer for your hair.14

Castor Oil’s thick consistency allows it to penetrate the hair shaft, helping to bring deep hydration to your strands. This helps in restoring moisture that may be lost during menopause, and may help make your hair more manageable and less prone to breakage.

But, remember that with Castor Oil, less is more since it is such a thick, luscious oil.

Makes sense, agreed? Plus, to make your Castor Oil hair routine less messy, you can add in a hair wrap, which is kind of like a Castor Oil Pack for your hair. Intrigued?

Well, Queen of the Thrones® has created a Castor Oil Hair Mask Kit, which means ease and less-mess. The best part? It’s made with high quality organic materials and third-party tested, practitioner-grade Castor Oil.

Homemade Castor Oil Shampoo

Tired of the endless products lining your bathroom counter? Why not try the potential natural benefits of Castor Oil for your hair? Check out this shampoo recipe below, which may help support menopause hair loss!

Homemade Castor Oil Shampoo:

  • Select a glass bottle with a capacity of approximately 350mL.
  • Incorporate 4 tablespoons of high-quality organic Castor Oil into the bottle.
  • Top up the remaining space in the bottle with an all-natural shampoo of your choice.
  • Vigorously shake the bottle to ensure thorough mixing before each use.
  • Apply the Castor Oil Shampoo during every wash, or as needed.

Note: Allow your hair a few washes to adapt to this formula, depending on your hair type. To have a full body experience, consider combining it with your nightly Castor Oil Pack routine and using a Castor Oil Hair Wrap.

Home made Castor oil shampoo by Queen of the Thrones

Would you love more Castor Oil recipes for your hair, skin and nails?


So, my friend, in the mirror’s reflection, the changes in your hair may symbolize the evolving chapters of your life, but it doesn’t write your story. 

As you incorporate Castor Oil into your hair care routine, envision it not as a solution to dryness, texture, breakage etc., but as a daily affirmation of self-compassion and self-care.

Afterall, the act of massaging Castor Oil into your scalp can become a moment of connection with your own body, a gesture of kindness to the strands that have accompanied you through countless experiences.

So, as you navigate the intricacies of menopause and menopause hair loss, remember that embracing the physical changes, including those in your hair, is a testament to the strength and beauty within every woman.

Are you a practitioner, health coach or wellness influencer? If you’re interested in recommending our easy-to-use tools and practically applying them in your health and wellness professional practice, in clinic, or online with the people you serve, you can join now!

Click here for references

1. Ceylan B, Özerdoğan N. Factors affecting age of onset of menopause and determination of quality of life in menopause. Turk J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Mar;12(1):43-49. doi: 10.4274/tjod.79836. Epub 2015 Mar 15. PMID: 28913040; PMCID: PMC5558404.

2. Ablon G, Kogan S, Raymond I. A Long-Term Study of the Safety and Efficacy of a Nutraceutical Supplement for Promoting Hair Growth in Perimenopausal, Menopausal, and Postmenopausal Women. J Drugs Dermatol. 2022 Jul 1;21(7):783. doi: 10.36849/JDD.776. PMID: 35816069.

3. Rinaldi F, Trink A, Mondadori G, Giuliani G, Pinto D. The Menopausal Transition: Is the Hair Follicle “Going through Menopause”? Biomedicines. 2023 Nov 14;11(11):3041. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines11113041. PMID: 38002043; PMCID: PMC10669803.

4. Goluch-Koniuszy ZS. Nutrition of women with hair loss problem during the period of menopause. Prz Menopauzalny. 2016 Mar;15(1):56-61. doi: 10.5114/pm.2016.58776. Epub 2016 Mar 29. PMID: 27095961; PMCID: PMC4828511.

5. Brzozowska M, Lewiński A. Changes of androgens levels in menopausal women. Prz Menopauzalny. 2020 Dec;19(4):151-154. doi: 10.5114/pm.2020.101941. Epub 2021 Jan 7. PMID: 33488324; PMCID: PMC7812536.

6. Hasan R, Juma H, Eid FA, Alaswad HA, Ali WM, Aladraj FJ. Effects of Hormones and Endocrine Disorders on Hair Growth. Cureus. 2022 Dec 20;14(12):e32726. doi: 10.7759/cureus.32726. PMID: 36578854; PMCID: PMC9788837.

7. Rajput RJ. Influence of Nutrition, Food Supplements and Lifestyle in Hair Disorders. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2022 Oct 21;13(6):721-724. doi: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_175_22. PMID: 36386748; PMCID: PMC9650738.

8. Marwat SK, Rehman F, Khan EA, Baloch MS, Sadiq M, Ullah I, Javaria S, Shaheen S. Review – Ricinus cmmunis – Ethnomedicinal uses and pharmacological activities.Pak J Pharm Sci. 2017 Sep;30(5):1815-1827. PMID: 29084706

9. McMullen R, Jachowicz J. Optical properties of hair: effect of treatments on luster as quantified by image analysis. J Cosmet Sci. 2003 Jul-Aug;54(4):335-51. PMID: 14528387.

10A-10B. Iqbal J, Zaib S, Farooq U, Khan A, Bibi I, Suleman S. Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, and Free Radical Scavenging Potential of Aerial Parts of Periploca aphylla and Ricinus communis. ISRN Pharmacol. 2012;2012:563267. doi: 10.5402/2012/563267. Epub 2012 Jul 11. PMID: 22919511; PMCID: PMC3418662.

11. Vieira C et al. .Effect of ricinoleic acid in acute and subchronic experimental models of inflammation. Mediators Inflamm. 2000;9(5):223-8 PMID: 11200362

12. Djuric Z, Aslam MN, Simon BR, Sen A, Jiang Y, Ren J, Chan R, Soni T, Rajendiran TM, Smith WL, Brenner DE. Effects of fish oil supplementation on prostaglandins in normal and tumor colon tissue: modulation by the lipogenic phenotype of colon tumors. J Nutr Biochem. 2017 Aug;46:90-99. doi: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2017.04.013. Epub 2017 Apr 25. PMID: 28486173; PMCID: PMC5503762.

13. Mascolo N, Izzo AA, Autore G, Barbato F, Capasso F. Nitric oxide and castor oil-induced diarrhea. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1994 Jan;268(1):291-5. PMID: 8301570.

14. Dias MFRG, Loures AF, Ekelem C. Hair Cosmetics for the Hair Loss Patient. Indian J Plast Surg. 2021 Dec 27;54(4):507-513. doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1739241. PMID: 34984093; PMCID: PMC8719955.

Wellness buyer beware: Counterfeit Castor Oil Packs are on the rise!

Wellness buyer beware: Counterfeit Castor Oil Packs are on the rise!

Gluten and dairy sensibilities by Queen of the Thrones

Wellness buyer beware: Counterfeit Castor Oil Packs are on the rise!

Written by: Victoria Williams R.H.N. Victoria Williams Director of Operations at Queen of the Thrones Victoria Williams R.H.N.
Victoria is Head of Operations at Queen of the Thrones®. Victoria obtained a Pre-Health Science Certificate with Honours from Georgian College, which ignited her passion for natural wellness and nutrition.
Full bio

Medically reviewed by: Dr. Marisol Teijeiro, N.D. (inactive)

Est. reading time: 6 minutes.

How to spot imitation

Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs before you buy

They say imitation is the best form of flattery.This might be true, but but flattery quickly turns to concern when imitation Castor Oil Packs put your wellbeing at risk.

You may be a wellness queen with years of experience using Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs (and if you are, we’re grateful for your loyalty). Or maybe you’re testing the waters of your new wellness awakening and wondering, “How do I choose a Castor Oil Pack when there’s so many options?

Does this sound like you? If so, read on!

You’ve probably noticed that Amazon and other online retailers seem to have countless varieties of Castor Oil and Castor Oil Packs at varying prices. Each brand claims to be the best for one reason or another, and the number of choices available is dazzling!

If you’re like most people, you’re understandably cost-conscious and simply trying to practice solid self-care without breaking the bank. Makes perfect sense, agreed?

Some of the advertising promises the “perfect” product at a “perfect” price, but here’s where caution is needed. Why? Let’s take a closer look.

Does the “perfect” less mess Castor Oil Pack exist?

Nothing is ever really perfect, is it? I mean, something might seem perfect, but if we’re honest, we begin to see how balance always prevails. Everything has imperfections. Dark always balances light, and so on. But without waxing philosophical, let’s just say that anyone who promises pure perfection is most likely leading you down the garden path.

On the other hand, admitting your weaknesses can help you improve, and that’s exactly what we pride ourselves on here at Queen of the Thrones®.

You might have noticed that we like to be transparent in our advertising. We tell our customers where and how we would like to improve our Castor Oil Packs, and we enjoy being honest by telling you up-front how our packs might not be perfect. They are better than they were, and they’re a lot better than DIY packs, but there is always room for improvement! Agreed?

How we want to improve our packs

If you’re familiar with Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs, then you also know that we’re proud of the less-mess design. But we’re careful to make sure everyone understands that the packs could leak, and that’s why we choose to say ‘less-mess’ and not ‘mess-free’. Honesty really is the best policy. 

The material that makes these packs less-mess is polypropylene that is heat-bonded to a layer of organic cotton flannel. But here’s the thing, while heat bonding is a cleaner alternative to chemical-bonding, and while polypropylene is considered one of the healthiest plastics (it’s what food containers like yogurt cups are made from), it’s still a type of plastic.

We would love to find a way to create an organic, plastic-free outer layer to keep the packs convenient and less messy, but for the moment, the safest and cleanest option is polypropylene. Sure, it ain’t perfect, but it’s the best design we’ve created so far. 

And who knows, we might be on the brink of a whole new design, but in the meantime, we like to be honest with our customers so they know exactly what they’re buying.

We’d also like to find a way to improve on our nylon straps. 

In the beginning, the straps were made of organic cotton, but we received tons of feedback that the cotton straps weren’t stretchy enough and would dig into the skin uncomfortably. Ouch! So we decided to redesign the straps using nylon. 

With these new soft, stretchy straps, the packs are comfortable enough to sleep in, but we’d prefer that they were made of a more natural material. Again, it ain’t perfect, but it’s the best compromise we could make. Still, we are always innovating and improving, so let’s hope that we’ll find that ideal solution sometime in the near future.

How to use the Queen of the Thrones® Liver Castor Oil Pack

Queen of the Thrones less mess Castor Oil Pack with all the beloved benefits

The Queen of the Thrones® Liver Castor Oil Pack is designed with your wellness in mind, including ensuring it is simple to use, and adaptable to your busy lifestyle.

In just 2 easy steps you’ll be on your way to supporting your wellness, naturally!

Step 1: Apply 1 tbsp of organic Castor Oil.

Step 2: Place the pack over your liver area and tie it in place.

Wear for 1 hour daily or overnight for optimal wellness support!

Pretty easy, agreed? Get started on your self-care with the Liver Castor Oil Pack!

Materials of what Queen of the Thrones Castor Oil Packs are made of

Our promise to you

We’re committed to researching, experimenting and innovating our products based on customer feedback, always striving for the cleanest materials presently available on the market. 

Our aim is to bridge the gap between time honored ancient cleansing practices and modern day convenience so you easily find moments of self-care in your daily life. 

Would you love to know what to look for when you’re reading labels of the things you wear? Get your FREE ‘buyer beware’ checklist below!

So, what’s the problem with imitation Castor Oil Packs?

With the use of Castor Oil and Castor Oil Packs gaining in popularity, there are, unfortunately, some imitation Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs on the market.

This is why we want to educate and empower you on how to spot phonies from the real deal.

Imitation brands made with cheap, synthetic, and chemically treated fabrics are often blended with what sounds like healthy fabrics. The imitation Castor Oil Packs may even have a label that says it’s organic, when it’s not. This is known as greenwashing.

Unfortunately, we can all be fooled into purchasing a less-than-premium product if we don’t know what to look for. See the screenshot below? This was taken from of another Castor Oil Pack company that imitates the Queen of the Thrones® design.

Queen of the Thrones Counterfeit image of a Castor Oil Pack

As you can see, their image is almost an exact copy of Queen of the Thrones®, but their pack is manufactured with very different fabrics. Plus, the pack is placed on the wrong side of the body.

Less expensive becomes more expensive

Your help is needed so we can put an end to Queen of the Thrones® imitations. It’s worrisome as a consumer that there are brands out there not telling you the full story about the products you trust.  

Companies may make substitutions for cheaper materials thinking that’s what you want.  Also, lack of knowledge, on their part, could lead to a less-than-promised pack, that may do the very opposite of what they are meant to do. 

But the less expensive alternative ends up being more expensive in the end, especially if your wellness suffers for it. Not good, right? 

We understand that with all great things there will always be a few bad apples in the bunch who try to make a quick buck with poor quality products that don’t have your wellbeing in mind, only their bottom line.

So how do we help you, our trusting and well-meaning consumer, avoid buying something that isn’t Queen of the Thrones® quality? Well, we came up with an idea that might be exactly what you’re looking for.

Why quality materials matter: From Castor Oil Packs to clothing

In our search for a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle, the choices we make in the products we use play a pivotal role. Whether it’s for Castor Oil Packs, or the clothing we wear, opting for high-quality organic materials can significantly impact our well-being and the environment.

When it comes to the wellness practice of Castor Oil Packs, the materials used can make a substantial difference. Choosing organic, chemical-free materials for the pack ensures that your skin, the body’s largest organ, interacts with pure and natural substances, helping to minimize exposure to harmful substances.

Clothing is our second skin, and what it’s made of matters more than we probably realize. Opting for organic materials in clothing, such as cotton, wool, or linen ensures that what touches our skin isn’t adding to our toxic load, one company that embodies these values is

Organic materials also allow the skin to breathe, possibly helping to lower the risk of skin irritations, and allergies.

Plus, when you choose organic materials, you’re not just choosing an option that’s beneficial for your wellness, but the environment too!

5 ways to spot a FAKE or IMITATION Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Pack or Castor Oil product

1. Synthetic materials

Many imitation packs are made with synthetic fabrics and materials that contain chemicals.

Beware of “organic bamboo” and other materials like cotton velour that are most often blended with plastic fibers or highly processed with chemicals.

Some may even have regulatory symbols stating that they are “healthy”. But the definition of healthy may be very different for manufacturers compared to natural wellness practitioners.

2. The words eco-friendly”, “green”, and “natural” – do not always mean health-friendly.

Yes, we want to help the environment and be eco-friendly, but not everything that is good for the environment is good for you.

This is a great example of the marketing tactic mentioned earlier called ”greenwashing”.

3. Castor Oil bottled in plastic and not amber glass 

Castor Oil is known as the best carrier oil, but when it’s bottled in plastic, it can leach contaminants from the plastic bottle. This is why we choose to bottle our Castor Oil in amber glass. The amber color protects the oil from light and the glass prevents leaching plastic-chemicals. Basically, if it’s not packaged in glass, it’s not the best quality.

4. Check the Castor Oil label for “hexane-free” and “100% pure”

Castor Oil can be extracted 2 ways: 

  1. Mechanical extraction (pressing)
  2. Solvent extraction (typically with hexane)

With mechanical pressing, the nutrients are maintained instead of being separated from the bean with chemicals (like hexane). Look for bottles that say “hexane-free” and either “cold-pressed” or “expeller pressed”

5. Prices that are too good to be true.

Everyone understands that “you get what you pay for” with quality products, right? If the price is lower than the brands that you know and trust, there’s a reason for it.

6 ways to spot AUTHENTIC Queen of the Thrones® products:

1. The Label

Every Queen of the Thrones® product has a fabric label with our logo, website, and registration number on it.

2. The Material

Every Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Pack is made with an inner layer of organic cotton flannel (the part that touches the skin directly) and manufactured with the cleanest standards possible.

For hygienic reasons we suggest replacing your compress approximately every 2 months.

Note: Bamboo material will feel extremely soft to the touch because it’s been broken down with chemicals that may not wash out completely. In addition, pthalates are often used to make the material softer.

3. The Oil

Castor Oil is a premier carrier oil that can permeate deeply through the upper layers of your skin. Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil is always 100% pure, certified organic, hexane-free, extra virgin and hexane-free.

4. The Bottle

Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil is always bottled in amber glass to avoid the potential of chemicals from plastic bottles contaminating the oil.

5. The Face Behind the Brand

All Queen of the Thrones® products are designed by a naturopathic doctor and homotoxicologist with a designation in environmental medicine. She created these packs for her patients, her family, and her personal wellness practice. 

6. Testimonials

Look for the “Verified Buyer” badge on product reviews. Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs have been used for years and have received tens of thousands of reviews from people who love and are loyal to the brand. 

Would you love to know what to look for and what to avoid when you’re shopping?

Queen of the Thrones® Triple Purity Promise

Again, Queen of the Thrones® is consistently innovating our products based on customer feedback and striving for the cleanest materials presently available on the market while being transparent about our manufacturing processes and materials standards.

As a result, we have built a loyal customer base who trust the brand, providing you with the Triple Purity Promise:

  1. Professional Customer Support

  2. Practitioner Partners

  3. Premium & Pure as Possible


When in doubt, you will always be in good hands and may reach out to our customer support team at:

You will always be in good hands, and the team will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. So, here’s to smart shopping, great choices, and to you!

Are you a practitioner, health coach or wellness influencer? If you’re interested in recommending our easy-to-use tools and practically applying them in your health and wellness professional practice, in clinic, or online with the people you serve, you can join now!


Disclaimer: Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, information or content expressed or made available by third parties, including information providers, are those of the respective authors or distributors. Neither Queen of the Thrones® nor any third-party provider of information guarantees the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any content. This communication does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Information provided does not replace the advice of your health care practitioner. If you happen to purchase anything we promote, in this or any of our communications, it’s likely Queen of the Thrones® will receive some kind of affiliate compensation. Still, we only promote content and products that we truly believe in and share with our friends, family and patients. If you ever have a concern with anything we share, please let us know at We want to make sure we are always serving Our Queendom at the highest level.

Can Children Use Castor Oil Packs?

Can Children Use Castor Oil Packs?

Queen of the Thrones Castor Oil Pack for Kids

Can Children Use Castor Oil Packs?

Written by: Victoria Williams R.H.N.

Est. reading time: 7 minutes

Ever wondered if Castor Oil Packs are safe for children? Discover how this self-care practice can help set your kids up for a lifetime of good wellness habits.

Your Guide to Less Mess Castor Oil Packs for Kids

You may have used Castor Oil Packs or heard of them offering multiple health benefits, right? But what about Castor Oil Packs for kids

Have you ever wondered if Castor Oil Packs have the same benefits for kids? Or maybe you’ve asked Google, are Castor Oil Packs safe for children?”

Well, the simple answer to your questions is a YES! You see, the gentle compression of a Castor Oil Pack combined with Castor Oil may help naturally engage your child’s ‘rest and digest’ state. And when they are relaxed, liver detox, lymphatic drainage, and colon cleansing may all be supported, so they can:

  • Naturally relax and sleep better1 2 3 
  • Poop better 4 5 
  • Stress less6

Sounds simply wonderful, right?

That’s not all. Castor Oil Packs are a nighttime routine that feels like a comforting warm hug before bedtime.

And now it can be your secret to regaining peace in the home, especially at night, because you want everyone to rest peacefully, right? Imagine the satisfaction of seeing your child more focused and attentive, and knowing you’re preparing them for a successful, healthy life. Sounds amazing, agreed?

You’re in the right place because this blog talks about Castor Oil Packs and how to use them to help your child feel better overall.

But first, would you love to know the ins and outs of Castor Oil Packs for kids?

How do Kids Castor Oil Packs work?

You want the best for your child’s wellness and have been trying everything to keep them healthy, right?

You give them the right supplements, feed them well, and keep them active, but despite your heartfelt efforts, you keep smacking up against a wall of resistance. Is this you? 

Well, now, you can free yourself from the dreaded wall of resistance using a gentle and supportive self-care routine for your child with the Queen of the Thrones® Kids Castor Oil Pack.

How Queen of the Thrones Castor Oil Packs for kids work
Here’s how it works…

Mechanical: The compression of a Castor Oil Pack placed over the liver area (right rib cage), combined with the movement of their breathing muscles, serves like a pump to their lymphatic system, and may encourage lymphatic drainage7. Amazing, agreed?

Neurological: When placed on specific dermatomes8 and Traditional Chinese Meridians9, this activates the somatovisceral reflexes that are thought to trigger the activity of internal detox and cleansing organs like the liver, kidney, gut, gallbladder, and more10.

Vagus nerve cross section by Queen of the Thrones

A combination of both mechanical and neurological: Castor Oil Packs may stimulate the body’s skin receptors that promote the natural oxytocin feedback loop activating the vagus nerve, shifting your child’s body into the ‘rest and digest’ state where liver detox is optimized.

The Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Pack for Kids is adored by many parents who say it’s “easy to use” and they love that it’s “less-messy”.

Queen of the Thrones customer testimony about Castor Oil Packs for Kids

So, with its continuous use, the Castor Oil Kids Pack may naturally engage your child’s body in gentle liver detox, lymphatic drainage and colon cleansing functions so they can sleep better, poop better, and stress less.

The origin of Castor Oil Packs and their benefits

Castor Oil Packs are an ancient self-care practice that have been around for centuries and are now a foundation of naturopathic and functional medicine. They were first popularized in the early 1900s in North America by a bedside healer named Edgar Cayce.

However, the original oily cotton Castor Oil Pack lost its appeal because of its messy nature and difficulty accessing good quality organic materials.

What-Castor-Oil Packs for kids supports by Queen of the Thrones

So, we made this practice easy for the 21st century with the Queen of The Thrones® Kids Castor Oil Pack, a modernized Castor Oil Pack that’s heatless, less-mess, and easy to use. Sounds amazing, agreed?

Let’s dive even further into the benefits of Castor Oil Packs for your kid(s), shall we?

1. May help balance gut microbiome

Does your child often complain about tummy aches or get skin rashes? They may also have symptoms that seem disconnected from each other, such as irritability, bloating, or hyperactivity. Sound familiar?

Well, these symptoms may sometimes indicate underlying imbalance of bacteria in the gut, and inflammation is a common culprit.

Did you know that inflammation is part of your body’s process of fighting against things that harm it (like infections) in an attempt to heal and protect itself? 

So, when something damages a child’s cells, their body releases chemicals that trigger an inflammatory response from their immune system. Inflammation is a healthy response, but many factors in today’s world can cause it to react out of control, including stress and unhealthy eating patterns.

You see, when your child is inflamed, their body is acidic. This means that the enzymes in their body won’t function properly in an acidic environment, as they require an alkaline environment11

You can think of inflammation as a fire. And how do you fight fire? By putting water over it, right?

Similarly, your body produces water to fight inflammation, often resulting in abdominal bloating. Make sense, agreed?

So, since Castor Oil contains ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid that has been shown to be a natural anti-inflammatory12 13, it may support balancing inflammation and bloating in the core, and naturally support the microbiome. 

Castor Oil has also been shown in periodontal medicine to have the ability to breakdown biofilm14 15 16, a protective layer that bad gut bacteria creates to prevent you from getting rid of it.

Plus, the gentle compression of the pack may help move the body into the parasympathetic state2 3, which is ideal for digestion, absorption and elimination.  

While we’re on the subject of the parasympathetic state, it’s essential to know that Castor Oil Packs may help retrain the relaxed parasympathetic state that often gets overpowered by the sympathetic stressed state. So this is your child’s opportunity to be able to…

2. Naturally lower stress

Yes, it’s true! Even kids have a stressed state!

Worrying about grades, problems with friends, or health conditions can cause a state of stress in your kids.

A Castor Oil Pack may support their natural response to stress by training their parasympathetic tone. 

Wondering how this is possible?

Well, when your child wears their pack, the gentle compression on the skin may naturally promote oxytocin6, known as the ‘love and connection’ hormone, which reduces cortisol (the stress hormone)17 and can naturally shift your child into a relaxed state so their body can do what it’s meant to, cleanse. 

Like the escape button on your computer, Castor Oil Packs help instantly calm your child’s system, similar to a cozy weighted blanket18 19. So, with regular practice, you’re helping them to retrain their body to respond better to stress with an enhanced parasympathetic tone.

As we’re talking about stress, let’s see how Castor Oil Packs may help…

3. Naturally promote lymphatic drainage

Did you know, stress can affect all systems of your child’s body, including their lymphatic system?

In general, high cortisol levels (stress hormone) can alter the functioning of the lymphatic system20.

Fortunately, wearing a Castor Oil Pack over your child’s liver area (just below the right rib cage) may mechanically support lymphatic drainage

But how? Through inhalation and exhalation, the gentle compression from the pack acts as a pump for the lymphatic system7 that’s highly concentrated in the area. 

Lastly, Castor Oil Packs may help your child with…

4. Gentle constipation relief

Does it feel like your child is always saying, “my tummy hurts”? Or maybe they spend a lot of time on the toilet because they’re so constipated. Can you relate?

Is it what you’re feeding them? Are they anxious?… You feel so bad because you can’t figure it out, right?

Well, you’re not alone and that’s why Castor Oil Packs for Kids are loved by so many parents because regular use may help them poop better.

You might be curious if it works better or the same as traditional laxatives and supplements.

Well, a study in an old age home compared Castor Oil Packs to conventional laxatives4. Castor Oil Packs demonstrated relief and feelings of satisfaction without the harsh cramping and urgency caused by laxatives. Amazing, agreed?

So, how do you use Kids Castor Oil Packs?

It’s as easy as following the two-step process so your child can support their body from the outside in.

Step One: Apply 1 tbsp of Queen of the Thrones® Organic Castor Oil to the soft cotton flannel side of your Pack.

*Always add your Castor Oil to the middle of the pack to help keep the oil from the seams, as the pack is not 100% impenetrable. Remember: Castor Oil WILL STAIN clothing, so take extra care when preparing your child’s pack. 

Step Two: Place your Kids Castor Oil Pack over the right side of their body (under their ribcage) and tie it in place with the soft, stretchy, adjustable straps.

Then have your child wear their pack for at least 1 hour each evening, getting them ready for a fantastic sleep! 

*Supervision is recommended for the entire duration your child wears their pack because the straps are a choking hazard.

How to use Queen of the Thrones Kids Castor Oil Packs

Common questions

  1. Is it safe to use the Castor Oil Pack for Kids with supplements, herbs or medications?

Yes. Castor Oil Packs are not known to have any contraindications and may support everything you’re already doing for your child to work better, by supporting liver detox, lymphatic drainage and colon cleansing.

  1. Why do I have to replace it after two months of regular use?

Traditionally, Castor Oil Packs were done using the SAME compress over and over and over. This was okay centuries ago, before the industrial revolution which caused our environment to become more toxic. We now know that environmental toxicity impacts wellness, which is why it’s important to add fresh oil with each use and replace your pack approximately every 2 months for ease of use, comfort, and sanitation.

  1. Why can’t my child just drink Castor Oil or rub it on their skin?

Castor Oil orally is a stimulant laxative that has been shown to cause cramping and a harsh urgency to poop. ​​Simply rubbing it on the skin and wearing an old T-shirt overtop only gives about 50% of the benefits. Your kid needs the pack to help move their body into a relaxed state via gentle compression which supports liver detox, lymphatic drainage, and colon cleansing. 

  1. Why can’t I use organic bamboo or any old cloth?

For Castor Oil Packs, ONLY use organic cotton or wool! Materials like ‘organic’ bamboo are highly processed with chemicals, and old clothing may be made with harmful dyes, bleach, and flame retardants that you don’t want to absorb into your body.  

  1. Isn’t it messy?

Castor Oil Packs have a reputation for being messy, but that’s why we created this LESS-mess pack. It’s not entirely messless, but it is LESS messy than a do-it-yourself pack. Castor Oil does stain fabrics, so make sure your child is always wearing an old T-shirt.

  1. Don’t I have to add heat?

Extra heat isn’t necessary because the Castor Oil Pack for Kids is engineered to hold in body heat naturally. 


Are you a practitioner, health coach or wellness influencer? If you’re interested in recommending our easy-to-use tools and practically applying them in your health and wellness professional practice, in clinic, or online with the people you serve, you can join now!

Click here for references

1. Rolls ET et all. Representations of pleasant and painful touch in the human orbitofrontal and cingulate cortices. Cereb Cortex. 2003 Mar;13(3):308-17. PMID: 12571120 

2. Francis S, Rolls ET, Bowtell R, McGlone F, O’Doherty J, Browning A, Clare S, Smith E. The representation of pleasant touch in the brain and its relationship with taste and olfactory areas. Neuroreport. 1999 Feb 25;10(3):453-9. PMID: 10208571 

3. Löken LS, Wessberg J, Morrison I, McGlone F, Olausson H. Coding of pleasant touch by unmyelinated afferents in humans. Nat Neurosci. 2009 May;12(5):547-8. Epub 2009 Apr 12. PMID: 19363489

4. Arslan GG, Eşer I. An examination of the effect of castor oil packs on constipation in the elderly. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Feb;17(1):58-62. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2010.04.004. Epub 2010 May 18. PMID: 21168117. 

5. Sorin Tunaru,a Till F. Althoff,a Rolf M. Nüsing,b Martin Diener,c and Stefan Offermannsa,d,1 Castor oil induces laxation and uterus contraction via ricinoleic acid activating prostaglandin EP3 receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jun 5; 109(23): 9179–9184. Published online 2012 May 21. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1201627109 PMID: 22615395

6 . Walker SC1, Trotter PD2, Swaney WT2, Marshall A3, Mcglone FP4. C-tactile afferents: Cutaneous mediators of oxytocin release during affiliative tactile interactions? Neuropeptides. 2017 Aug;64:27-38. doi: 10.1016/j.npep.2017.01.001. Epub 2017 Jan 19. PMID: 28162847 

7. Moore JE Jr, Bertram CD. Lymphatic System Flows. Annu Rev Fluid Mech. 2018 Jan;50:459-482. doi: 10.1146/annurev-fluid-122316-045259. PMID: 29713107; PMCID: PMC5922450.

8. Online article by Jill Seladi-Schulman, Ph.D, medically reviewed by Seunggu Han, M.D. The 30 Dermatomes Explained and Located. June 13, 2019

9. Meridian Connection.” TCM World, 6 Oct. 2015,

10. Longhurst, John C. Defining Meridians: A Modern Basis of Understanding. Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2010, Pages 67-74 Received 29 January 2010, Accepted 30 March 2010, Available online 15 June 2010.

11. Hopkins E, Sanvictores T, Sharma S. Physiology, Acid Base Balance. [Updated 2022 Sep 12]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. 

12. ​​Chen L, Deng H, Cui H, Fang J, Zuo Z, Deng J, Li Y, Wang X, Zhao L. Inflammatory responses and inflammation-associated diseases in organs. Oncotarget. 2017 Dec 14;9(6):7204-7218. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.23208. PMID: 29467962; PMCID: PMC5805548.

13. Vieira C et al. .Effect of ricinoleic acid in acute and subchronic experimental models of inflammation. Mediators Inflamm. 2000;9(5):223-8 PMID: 11200362 

14. Andrade IM1, Andrade KM2, Pisani MX1, Silva-Lovato CH1, de Souza RF1, Paranhos Hde F1.Trial of an experimental castor oil solution for cleaning dentures. Braz Dent J. 2014 Jan-Feb;25(1):43-7.

15. Badaró MM, Salles MM, Leite VMF, Arruda CNF, Oliveira VC, Nascimento CD, Souza RF, Paranhos HFO, Silva-Lovato CH. Clinical trial for evaluation of Ricinus communis and sodium hypochlorite as denture cleanser.J Appl Oral Sci. 2017 May-Jun; 25(3):324-334.

16. Salles MM, Badaró MM, Arruda CN, Leite VM, Silva CH, Watanabe E, Oliveira Vde C, Paranhos Hde F. Antimicrobial activity of complete denture cleanser solutions based on sodium hypochlorite and Ricinus communis – a randomized clinical study.J Appl Oral Sci. 2015 Nov-Dec; 23(6):637-42.

17. Uvnas-Moberg K1, Petersson M.[Oxytocin, a mediator of anti-stress, well-being, social interaction, growth and healing]. Z Psychosom Med Psychother. 2005;51(1):57-80. PMID: 15834840

18. Eron K, Kohnert L, Watters A, Logan C, Weisner-Rose M, Mehler PS. Weighted Blanket Use: A Systematic Review. Am J Occup Ther. 2020 Mar/Apr;74(2):7402205010p1-7402205010p14. doi: 10.5014/ajot.2020.037358. PMID: 32204779.

19. Meth EMS, Brandão LEM, van Egmond LT, Xue P, Grip A, Wu J, Adan A, Andersson F, Pacheco AP, Uvnäs-Moberg K, Cedernaes J, Benedict C. A weighted blanket increases pre-sleep salivary concentrations of melatonin in young, healthy adults. J Sleep Res. 2023 Apr;32(2):e13743. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13743. Epub 2022 Oct 3. PMID: 36184925. 

20. Dong T, Zhi L, Bhayana B, Wu MX. Cortisol-induced immune suppression by a blockade of lymphocyte egress in traumatic brain injury. J Neuroinflammation. 2016 Aug 25;13(1):197. doi: 10.1186/s12974-016-0663-y. PMID: 27561600; PMCID: PMC5000452.

How to know if you’re sensitive to gluten or dairy?

How to know if you’re sensitive to gluten or dairy?

Gluten and dairy sensibilities by Queen of the Thrones

How to know if you’re sensitive to gluten or dairy?

Written by: Victoria Williams R.H.N. Victoria Williams Director of Operations at Queen of the Thrones Victoria Williams R.H.N.
Victoria is Head of Operations at Queen of the Thrones®. Victoria obtained a Pre-Health Science Certificate with Honours from Georgian College, which ignited her passion for natural wellness and nutrition.
Full bio

Medically reviewed by: Melanie Swackhammer B.A. 

Est. reading time: 7 minutes.

The clue to having gut glue

Having frequent digestive problems means not knowing when it will strike. During an important work presentation, a first date, or at the movies. Can you relate?

You’re at the mercy of loose stools, constipation, painful gas or bloating. And these symptoms might especially come after specific food items, unfortunately, many of which are your favorite, including pizza, fettuccine alfredo, or grilled cheese. This may make you wonder if gluten and dairy are the cause of your stomach problems?

Well, it might not be that one or the other is causing problems. It’s more so the combination of gluten with dairy.

You see, studies have shown that poor food combining can produce fermentation, indigestion, putrefaction, gas and bloating! 1

Like consuming dairy with wheat, this combination could create, what I like to call, “gut glue”! Yes, you read that right… gut GLUE!

Frequent consumption of these food combinations may result in exhausting and frustrating problems.

The good news: knowing what to have or avoid can allow you to feel fresh and be healthy even after consuming your favorite food items.

While you’re here, would you love to know how you can use Castor Oil Packs to support your gut health, and ease digestive problems?

Before we talk about gut glue, I would love to discuss a bit about gluten and dairy on their own.

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein commonly found in barley, wheat, and rye.

If you have tried gluten-free cookies, you know they are typically drier and crumble easily.

This is because gluten protein provides the elasticity associated with pasta and baked products.

And these gluten-free products are becoming increasingly popular, as the media has made many believe that this protein is bad for your health. Sound familiar?

But before getting on the gluten-free bandwagon, let’s understand whether it’s really all bad.

Gluten isn’t all bad

Frankly, what thoughts come to your mind when you think about gluten?

For most, it is sticky bowels or bloating, agreed?

However, it’s essential to understand that humans have been consuming gluten as long as the discovery of bread. It’s a great source of soluble fiber, protein, and other nutrients.



Let’s get scienc-y for a minute.

Your digestive system produces the enzyme protease, which breaks down proteins. But this enzyme can’t entirely break down gluten, and undigested gluten moves through your bowels.

Most people can manage undigested gluten.

So, the nutrients from gluten are beneficial for those who can tolerate it.

Studies have linked consumption of whole grains to lower risk of stroke, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. The participants of the study daily consumed two to three servings of grains daily, including wheat.2

Moreover, gluten also acts as a prebiotic, supporting the growth of “good” bacteria in your body. It can also help imbalance of bad and good bacteria associated with gut dysbiosis.

What about dairy?

Eating dairy products is the easiest way to get vitamin D, calcium, and proteins needed for the healthy heart, bones, and muscles.

It helps maintain bone density and reduces the risk of fractures.

Studies have even suggested that the right kind of dairy may prevent heart disease.3

So, why is there so much discussion about dairy-free foods?

Well, similar to gluten, your digestive system releases the enzyme lactase to digest sugar in dairy products called lactose.

If you have a problem producing lactase, you probably have symptoms of lactose intolerance, including stomach pain, diarrhea, bloating, and nausea. Makes sense, agreed?

Moreover, evidence suggests that dairy products may improve body composition by reducing waist circumference and fat composition.4

A review of 25 studies also found that various types of yogurt were linked to the lower risk of metabolic syndrome risk factors, such as obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.5

With this in mind, let’s understand more about gut glue.

What about dairy?

My best and favorite example of this is how glue is made.

White school glue, if you didn’t know, is actually edible. You can essentially make it at home with milk, flour, and baking soda, and then the ingredient that is the pièce de résistance is vinegar.

This combination is basically what happens in your belly, when you combine bread (flour) with cheese (dairy/milk) and you swallow it down into your stomach that contains your stomach acid (like vinegar, because it’s acidic!) and bicarbonate (like baking soda).6

Guess what, you’ve got glue in your belly!

So imagine what your gut is like, if you are consuming glue.

Let’s talk anatomy for a second. Ready?

Your small intestine is lined by finger-like projections called villi, that help you absorb nutrients from your food.

Gut glue could cause these projections to get stuck together and reduce your ability to properly digest your food!

In addition, because the carbohydrates and protein don’t digest well together, you get this glue moving all along your digestive tract.

All in all, it’s rarely only one thing that is causing discomfort. It is often multifactorial and there are many contributing factors and culprits.


This is simply an example where combining gluten and dairy together may not be ideal for digestion (they also happen to be some of the most common food sensitivities and allergies that people deal with).

This is not it.

According to the traditional Ayurveda medicine, excessive amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and fats should not be taken together as this leads to a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.7

Plus, milk is considered as a complete food.

It contains antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, proteins, good fats, amino acids, calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, lactose, and all nutrients necessary for a healthy body.

That is why in Ayurveda it has been advised not to take wheat products with milk.

What can you do about your digestion problems?

When we choose nourishing food combinations, time our meals accordingly, and create healthy habits like proper chewing, we reduce the chances of these uncomfortable, and sometimes painful symptoms.

Plus, adding the practice of Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs after your meal may further help with inflammation regulation and help to improve liver detoxification, lymphatic drainage and colon cleansing, which means less digestive problems. Amazing, right?

Would you love to know how Castor Oil Packs work and how they can support your gut health?

Are you a practitioner, health coach or wellness influencer? If you’re interested in recommending our easy-to-use tools and practically applying them in your health and wellness professional practice, in clinic, or online with the people you serve, you can join now!

Click here for references

1. Cömert ED, Gökmen V. Effect of food combinations and their co-digestion on total antioxidant capacity under simulated gastrointestinal conditions. Curr Res Food Sci. 2022 Feb 17;5:414-422. doi: 10.1016/j.crfs.2022.02.008. PMID: 35243354; PMCID: PMC8866489.

2. Ye EQ, Chacko SA, Chou EL, Kugizaki M, Liu S. Greater whole-grain intake is associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and weight gain. J Nutr. 2012 Jul;142(7):1304-13. doi: 10.3945/jn.111.155325. Epub 2012 May 30. Erratum in: J Nutr. 2013 Sep;143(9):1524. PMID: 22649266; PMCID: PMC6498460.

3. Lordan R, Tsoupras A, Mitra B, Zabetakis I. Dairy Fats and Cardiovascular Disease: Do We Really Need to be Concerned? Foods. 2018 Mar 1;7(3):29. doi: 10.3390/foods7030029. PMID: 29494487; PMCID: PMC5867544.

4. Abargouei AS, Janghorbani M, Salehi-Marzijarani M, Esmaillzadeh A. Effect of dairy consumption on weight and body composition in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials. Int J Obes (Lond). 2012 Dec;36(12):1485-93. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2011.269. Epub 2012 Jan 17. PMID: 22249225.

5. Khorraminezhad L, Rudkowska I. Effect of Yogurt Consumption on Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors: a Narrative Review. Curr Nutr Rep. 2021 Mar;10(1):83-92. doi: 10.1007/s13668-020-00344-y. Epub 2021 Jan 6. PMID: 33405074.

6. G. Lynn Carlson. A New approach to the baking soda-vinegar reaction. J. Chem. Educ., 1990, 67 (7), p 597 DOI: 10.1021/ed067p597. Publication Date: July 1990

7. Sabnis M. Viruddha Ahara: A critical view. Ayu. 2012 Jul;33(3):332-6. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.108817. PMID: 23723637; PMCID: PMC3665091.

Here’s why you should detox using Castor Oil Packs.

Here’s why you should detox using Castor Oil Packs.

What are the Benefits of Detoxing with Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs

Here’s why you should detox using Castor Oil Packs.

Written by: Brianna Salerno, Holistic Lifestyle Coach & Queen of the Thrones® Affiliate
Medically reviewed by: Melanie Swackhammer B.A.

Est. reading time: 9 minutes.

First thing’s first, let’s answer one question…

Are die-off symptoms during a cleanse or detox normal?

It’s possible, but doesn’t have to be normal. Are you wondering what I mean by that?

Well, if you have ever felt worse during a cleanse or detox, with symptoms like:

  • More than your normal constipation
  • Feeling even more exhausted with little to no energy to do the simplest things…

These are only two of the many common examples of die-off symptoms that can be experienced during a cleanse and detox.

And they aren’t exactly NORMAL. You see, you don’t need to experience die-off symptoms during a cleanse and detox to be successful, like some practitioners say.

I know, sometimes these symptoms make you doubt the effectiveness of a cleanse and detox that you may have started, agreed? I know it did for me.

And that’s why I’m here with you now so we can discuss die-off symptoms of cleanses and detoxes so you can avoid experiencing them.

Why does this matter? Well, you don’t want to feel so bad that you wished you never started a cleanse or a detox, am I right?

Even though you’ve been told it’s normal to feel worse before you feel better, it doesn’t have to be that way.

If this is or isn’t your first time hearing about die-off symptoms, either way, there’s hope.

And this is why you want to to keep reading this blog BEFORE you start your next cleanse or detox.

You see, knowledge is power when it comes to die-off symptoms of a cleanse and detox. Because, you don’t want them to prevent you from doing the best foundational health-promoting practice.

All you need is a ready-to-wear, easy, ancient health practice to support your cleanse and detox.

Did you know Castor Oil Packs can help alleviate your die-off symptoms and actually help enhance your detox? Would you love to know how?

Castor Oil Packs can support you during a candida cleanse.

May I share my story with you about how I found relief from my terrible die-off symptoms by trying out a Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Liver Pack for Liver

My name is Brianna Salerno, I’m a Holistic Health Coach and owner of Blessed Holistic Life who encourages regular parasite and candida cleanses for clients with gut inflammation to improve their gut health.

Personally, I have done multiple cleanses and detoxes just like you, and have often struggled through the die-off phase.


Unfortunately, sometimes detoxing may result in some pretty uncomfortably painful die-off symptoms. Have you been there before?

So, I understand your pain, my friend, because this was me too but thankfully, I finally found the relief I was needing when I had tried out the Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Pack, which helped me relieve my terrible die-off symptoms.

But, you might be wondering…

What are Die-off Symptoms of Parasite and Candida Cleanses?

The symptoms you may experience as I did before I found the Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Pack for Liver were:

  • Headaches
  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Gas
  • Sinus Problems
  • Skin rashes
  • Insomnia
  • Aches and Pain


Honestly, on my last parasite and candida cleanse I started to get desperate as I was gaining weight and was bloated 24/7. Something had to give. Luckily I was scrolling on Instagram when I saw a Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Pack for Liver with a caption saying “how to help bloat.”

So, I immediately ordered and prayed for relief.

It only took one night with my new Castor Oil Pack practice to see results and I was hooked! Amazing, agreed?

Improve sleep, bloat & constipation with Castor Oil Packs!

I bought the organic ready-to-wear, less-mess Queen of Thrones® Cleanse-While-You-Sleep Castor Oil Pack Bundle that comes with the Queen of Thrones® Castor Oil Pack.

The pack felt so soft against my skin because it’s made of organic flannel. The best part? It’s so easy to use – just two easy steps.

Step 1: I poured the oil on the cloth and then came step 2, which meant wrapping it around my stomach and went to sleep.

Not only did I sleep AMAZING, I woke up with no bloat and immediately went to the bathroom! I couldn’t believe it! I tried again and the same thing happened! I was HOOKED.

I felt lighter and had way more energy too! It felt like all the toxins I was releasing were finally leaving my body and helping my gut inflammation. Sounds simply wonderful, agreed?

How does a Castor Oil Pack for Liver work?

The body naturally cleanses and detoxes when in a relaxed state. Wearing a Castor Oil Pack topically over the liver or pelvic regions shifts the body into the relaxed parasympathetic state2-3-4 because we’re often living in a stressed state.

So, that’s why it’s hard for our bodies to detoxify.

Die-off symptoms are simply our body’s attempt during a detox of what needs to come out, but because of overwhelmed systems, it can’t do its job. Makes sense, right?

So, supporting healthy functions of cleansing and detoxification by shifting the body into a relaxed state supports the moving of the bowels5-6 and enhances liver detox and reduces gut inflammation.1

This helps our body to help get rid of the toxins released during a detox or cleanse. Promoting good energy, and relieving constipation5-6 and bloating.

Castor Oil Packs: The benefits beyond cleansing & detox

Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs helps:

  • Increase lymphatic circulation7
  • Reduce core inflammation1
  • Stress LESS and sleep better2-3-4
  • Relieve constipation & enhance digestion5-6
  • Balance your microbiome8-9-10-11

So, if you would love to experience an easy detoxing cleanse without dreaded die-off symptoms, simply adopt a cleanse and detox practice by wearing a Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Pack for Liver nightly and let your body easily reset itself. Yes, it really is that easy!

Brianna Salerno is a holistic lifestyle coach and clean beauty blogger. She has a holistic lifestyle blog where she shares the best clean non-toxic brands. She is passionate about helping others and is a huge advocate for detoxing.

To learn more about cleansing and detoxification, this is for you.

Are you a practitioner, health coach or wellness influencer? If you’re interested in…

  • Recommending our easy-to-use tools to the people you serve.
  • Practically applying them in your health and wellness professional practice in clinic or online.
  • Or becoming a Wholesale Partner

Contact us at:

Click here for references

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