Can Castor Oil be used as a natural way to induce labor?

Can Castor Oil be used as a natural way to induce labor?

Can Castor Oil be used as a natural way to induce labor by Queen of the Thrones

Can Castor Oil be used as a natural way to induce labor?

Written by: Heather Tanti R.P.N (non-practicing)

Medically reviewed by: Victoria Williams R.H.N.

Est. reading time: 7 minutes

Pregnancy- it’s a magical journey filled with anticipation, excitement, and a whole lot of exhaustion, right?

We all know that bringing new life into the world is a beautiful, awe-inspiring experience. But let’s be real for a moment; it’s not all glowing skin and baby kicks, it’s also sleepless nights, swollen feet, and an ever-increasing sense of impatience as the due date approaches.

Can you relate?

So, here you are, rounding the bend towards your due date, and you’re feeling the weight of that impending moment. Your little one is cozy in there, snug as a bug, but you’re ready to meet them, because every passing day feels like a lifetime, agreed?

You’ve probably heard of Castor Oil being used to jumpstart labor– something midwives and women have used for centuries to nudge Mother Nature along, but maybe you’re wondering how exactly Castor Oil can support labor, and whether it’s safe?

In this blog we will go through how Castor Oil can be used to support labor induction, as well as explore how the midwives used this ancient practice with their patients.

Let’s get started!

Castor Oil for giving birth

Did you know that Castor Oil was the most common herbal preparation used by nurse-midwives in clinical practice?1

It has been used for centuries due to its various medicinal properties. It is extracted from the seeds of the castor plant, which is native to Africa and Asia. This oil is known for its anti-inflammatory2, and antibacterial3 properties, making it a popular choice for supporting various conditions.

One of the most common uses of Castor Oil is as a laxative. It’s often used topically in the form of a Castor Oil Pack as a gentle way to help relieve constipation and promote bowel movements4 5

In addition to this, Castor Oil has been used to induce labor in pregnant women as it is believed to stimulate the uterus and help with contractions, although its effectiveness is disputed6.

Is Castor Oil the midwife’s “secret weapon”? 

Queen of the Thrones mother breast feeding a baby

Long before the world of modern medicine as we know it today, midwives were the unsung heroes of childbirth. These wise women possessed an age-old wisdom, and a collection of natural remedies to support expectant mothers through the amazing journey of pregnancy and labor.

Imagine this scenario: You’re a pregnant woman from a bygone era, eagerly anticipating the arrival of your little one. As time passed and your due date came and went, you grew increasingly impatient and uncomfortable, right?

In comes your midwife, a figure of comfort and guidance during this critical moment in your life, asking you to down a big glass of Castor Oil. 

You see, with age-old wisdom passed down through generations, midwives were known to use remedies like Castor Oil to aid women in the final stretch of pregnancy. It was their secret weapon, a kind of magic potion to encourage labor to begin naturally.


The idea was simple: Castor Oil when ingested could stimulate contractions by irritating the bowels, and in turn, causing the uterus to contract7. 

So, despite its off-putting taste and texture, this approach seemed like a beacon of hope for women when labor appears to be dragging its feet.

Nowadays if Castor Oil is used orally, your midwife may mix it in a recipe with orange juice, apricot juice, or tea to make it more palatable.

Other ways Castor Oil may support labor

Rubbing Castor Oil on cervix

Okay, let’s get real- when it comes to using Castor Oil to induce labor, the idea of rubbing it on your cervix might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie. But hey, desperate times call for desperate measures, right?

Queen of the Thrones Castor oil on cervix for labour

This method involves a more hands-on approach, quite literally. Some women have tried applying Castor Oil directly to their cervix with the idea that it could soften and ripen the cervix9, ultimately jumpstarting those contractions.

But this approach isn’t for everyone. 

If you’re not comfortable with self-examination, you might feel a little awkward diving into this method, especially with your giant belly in the way!  

Plus, let’s not forget the frustration factor- it might not work for everyone, and you could end up feeling a bit defeated… Something you certainly don’t need to add to your plate at the end of your pregnancy, agreed?

But hey, if you’re up for the challenge, it’s worth discussing with your healthcare provider or midwife before getting started!

Drinking Castor Oil to induce labor

Ah, the legendary Castor Oil cocktail- a remedy that’s part folklore, part “please let this work.” 

When it comes to inducing labor, this method stands out for its controversy, and the emotional rollercoaster it can bring.

Let’s be real- as you inch closer to your due date, impatience can become your new best friend, right? The constant waiting game feels like an eternity, and that Castor Oil bottle on the counter might seem pretty tempting in speeding things up.

Can you relate? Now, the science behind drinking Castor Oil to induce labor is kind of a mixed bag.

Drinking Castor oil for labour by Queen of the Thrones

You see, Castor Oil’s ability to stimulate the bowels is thought to cause the uterus to contract as well. In theory, this might kick start labor, but here’s the thing- it’s not guaranteed.

You see, for many women, the decision to drink Castor Oil is a cocktail of hope, nerves, and a hint of desperation. You’re emotionally invested in the idea that this could be the nudge your body needs to kick things into gear… is this you?

But wait, before you rush to gulp down that Castor Oil, let’s talk about the less appetizing side of this oil.
Castor Oil
has a taste and texture that’s a far cry from your favorite smoothie. It’s thick, oily, and known for its, let’s say… acquired taste. Just the thought of consuming it might make you cringe.

And then there’s the waiting game. You knock back the Castor Oil and then what? Sure, contractions might begin eventually, or they might not. 

It’s like an uncertain plot twist in a movie – you’re left wondering what’s going to happen next.

Not to mention, ingesting Castor Oil may promote:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach cramps

Not exactly the ideal pre-labor state you were envisioning, right?

So, as you consider this method to induce labor, it’s essential to consult your healthcare provider to ensure it is right and safe for you and baby.

Black Castor Oil to induce labor

Main types of Castor Oil by Queen of the Thrones

When it comes to Castor Oil, you may have heard about Black Castor Oil. But what’s the deal with this darker version of the regular Golden Castor Oil?

Well, interestingly enough, it all comes down to the way it’s made.

Black Castor Oil, also known as Jamaican Castor Oil, is a tad more complex in its production. With this type of Castor Oil, the castor beans are roasted, pulverized, and then boiled to extract the oil.

Pretty neat, right? This gives the oil its distinctive dark hue, along with a nutty, roasted aroma.

Golden Castor Oil, on the other hand, is made from raw castor beans that are cold or expeller pressed to extract the oil. The result? A lighter, more translucent oil with a milder scent. 

So, at first glance it might seem like a straightforward choice when it comes to choosing a Castor Oil, but for labor induction there’s a bit more to the story.

Black Castor Oil enthusiasts claim that its unique preparation process might make it more potent in getting labor going. The thought was that roasting the castor beans would enhance its results, but scientific evidence on this claim is a bit limited. You’re also not likely to find Black Castor Oil approved for internal use. 

Now, before you go full steam ahead, here’s the deal- always consult with your healthcare provider! They can offer guidance and advice that are tailored to your unique situation.

Natural ways to induce labor

As your due date approaches, the yearning to finally hold your baby can be overwhelming, agreed?

Whether you’re considering Castor Oil, or simply eager to encourage labor naturally, there are several safe and home-based methods to explore.

Queen of the Thrones natural ways to induce labour

Spicy foods and pineapple

If you’re a fan of fiery flavors, you’re in luck. Some women believe that spicy foods can stimulate the digestive system and, in turn, trigger contractions9

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which may help soften the cervix.

Walking and movement

Going for a gentle walk or swaying your hips can not only help you stay active, but also encourage your baby to descend into the birth canal, initiating the start of labor10.

Acupressure and reflexology

Did you know that when stimulated, certain pressure points in your body are believed to promote labor? Acupressure and reflexology techniques may help in this regard11.

Relaxation and visualization

The power of the mind should never be underestimated. Relaxation techniques, deep breathing, and positive visualization can help you feel more at ease and potentially encourage your body to naturally relax into labor12.

Warm baths and aromatherapy

A warm bath can do wonders to soothe your body and mind, agreed? Plus, when you combine certain essential oils like lavender, you can further enhance relaxation, allowing your body to be more prepared to enter labor13.


Keep in mind that every pregnancy journey is different, particularly when considering natural methods to induce labor at home. 

What works for one mother may not work for another. But that’s all part of the exciting journey towards welcoming your little one. It’s full of anticipation, excitement, and sometimes even a touch of restlessness, agreed?

One thing remains crystal clear as you navigate the world of labor- your journey to meet your precious baby is a story that is uniquely yours

So, whether you’re sipping a Castor Oil concoction, savoring pineapple, or walking in anticipation, know that your pregnancy journey is as special as your little one’s very first breath. 

May your journey be filled with love, joy, and all the beauty that motherhood brings.

Disclaimer: Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil is for topical use only. Always talk to your doctor before starting any new practice. Do not use Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil during pregnancy or on open wounds. This is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease. This is not medical advice. This is for educational purposes only. Results vary. 

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Click here for references
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