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Check Out What's Next... Dr. Marisol Has 3 Castor Oil Secrets To Share With YOU!

All About Your New Dream Hair Kit
- Discover each important tool in you Dream Hair Kit
- Dr. Marisol ND will show you how the hair wrap and hair pick works
- Get to know the how the kit works on hormonal hair loss
- Learn what essential oil you can ADD to your hair mask
- Try out a simple self-care routine with the Dream Hair Kit and Castor Oil Pack

Dream Hair Kit Tutorial With Dr. Marisol
- Get a DEMO on how to use your Dream Hair Kit
- Discover why castor oil is so good for the hair
- Watch how to stimulate your scalp for even more benefits and tie your hair wrap and naturally heat the oil
- Dive into the reasons why this kit promotes hair growth, moisturizes and repairs dry and damaged hair and reduces dandruff

Amazing 7 Essential Oil Hair Mask Recipe
- Find out why castor oil alone is the BEST hair oil
- Learn how to blend 7 essential oils for hair growth
- Dr. Marisol ND reveals her favorite essential oils that help with growth, dandruff, dry scalp & oily scalp
Only 2 treatments in and my hair has so much body and life and looks youthful again! I am loving the results so far! The Dream Hair Kit is quick and easy to do! Love the hair turban, so comfortable to wear, and the pick comb feels good on my scalp too!
I love the Dream Hair Kit for my hair. First time using it and it really made a difference. I have long hair and it helped with manageability and softness. Plan to continue to add to my routine.
- AB
The hair towel wrap helps make the oil easy to soak hair without dripping on body, clothes, or bathroom after applying on scalp and ends with wide tooth comb to help spread oil on roots.
– MG