Organic Cotton Castor Oil Pack Insert for Kids

Organic Cotton Castor Oil Pack Insert for Kids

Extend the life of your Queen of the Thrones® Kids Pack with this 100% Organic Cotton Insert, designed with little ones in mind. This reusable insert is a gentle, eco-friendly addition to their wellness routine. Pair with your Kids Castor Oil Pack (sold separately) to help nourish and calm giving your child a grounding, natural self-care experience with this thoughtfully crafted insert. INSERT ONLY – Kids Castor Oil Pack sold separately.
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Organic Cotton Castor Oil Pack Insert for Kids
Organic Cotton Castor Oil Pack Insert for Kids
Organic Cotton Castor Oil Pack Insert for Kids

Created with Premium Ingredients to
Elevate Your Self-Care


Your Queen of the Thrones® Organic Cotton Insert is 100% unbleached, premium quality organic cotton.

Made in
North America

Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs are designed by a naturopathic doctor and crafted with care in Canada.

How to Use:

Queen of the Thrones® Kids Castor Oil Pack Insert

A gentle, less-mess way to keep your child’s Castor Oil Pack fresh and comfortable.



Can I just rub Castor Oil on my skin?

Simply rubbing Castor Oil on your skin and throwing an old T-shirt overtop (A.K.A. the "Lazy Castor Oil Pack") only gives you about 50% of the benefits. Without the pack you lose out on the relaxation benefits, similar to a warm hug. The pack and the Castor Oil work synergistically together to help you feel better.

Will it impact any of my medications, hormone replacement therapy, birth control
pills, IUD or supplements?

Castor Oil Packs have no known contraindications or interactions with medications.

Can I just use organic bamboo or any old cloth?

ONLY use organic cotton or wool for your Castor Oil Pack! Other materials like ‘organic’ bamboo or cotton velour are highly processed with chemicals. Old clothing may be made with harmful dyes, bleach and flame retardants that you don’t want to absorb into your body.

How often should I do a Castor Oil pack?

Wear your Castor Oil Pack for 1 hour, or overnight. Most people begin with 7 days straight, then continue with an ongoing practice 3-5x per week.

Build on your practice with the Breast, Thyroid, Pelvis and Back Packs for localized support depending on your unique wellness challenges.

Is it messy?

Castor Oil Packs have a reputation for being messy. That's why this pack was designed by a naturopathic doctor just for you to be LESS-mess. NO, it is not totally messless, but it's LESS messy than a do-it-youself pack. Always wear an old T-shirt over top, just in case. Note that your pack will become messy over time and should be replaced after approximately 60 uses.

How often do I have to replace it?

The traditional way of doing Castor Oil Packs was to use the SAME compress over and over and over. This was okay, before the industrial revolution when our environment wasn't as toxic. We now know that the increasing environmental toxicity impacts wellness. This is why it's important to add fresh oil every time and replace your pack after approximately 60 uses for ease of use, comfort, and sanitation.

Do I have to add heat?

Extra heat is not necessary because the Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs are engineered to naturally hold in your body heat.

Do I have to wash my insert?

New research from the National Institute of Health shows that even organic materials may contain traces of chemicals via transportation, packaging and warehousing. But luckily, washing is shown to significantly reduce or even eliminate these chemicals completely.

It's like when you buy produce, you always wash it first, even if it’s organic, right? You should also always wash the clothing and fabrics you place on your body. This is an unwritten rule with fabrics, especially if you have extra sensitive skin. But this is only a suggestion, like washing your new underwear before use!

Here's how to wash your Cotton Insert BEFORE 1st use:

Step 1: In a bowl, mix warm water, baking soda, and natural dish soap, and let your insert soak for 1 hour or overnight.

Step 2:  Hand wash it with warm water and natural dish soap, rinsing and wringing it out very well.

Step 3:  Hang or lie it flat to dry on a towel.

You can also wash it on a cold cycle in the washing machine with natural detergent. Just don't ever put your oily, used pack into the washing machine as it could ruin your washer!

Now, maybe you're wondering if you can wash your Cotton Insert AFTER you've used it with Castor Oil?

Yes, with the 100% Organic Cotton Insert, you can wash after use. Simply use the same steps as above.

Can I wear it if I'm pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum or on my period?

Pregnancy: As a precaution, Castor Oil Packs should be avoided during pregnancy.

Breastfeeding/Postpartum: Castor Oil Packs can be safely used postpartum and during breastfeeding.

Menstruation: Contrary to popular belief, Castor Oil Packs CAN be worn during your period. However, if it's your first time ever doing a Castor Oil Pack, you may want to wait until the end of your period to begin.

Can I use any old cloth for my Castor Oil Pack?

Be sure to ONLY use organic cotton or wool for your Castor Oil Packs! Old clothing may be made with harmful dyes, bleach and/or flame retardants that you don't want to absorb into your body.

How do Inserts help extend the life of my Castor Oil Pack?

Extend the life of your favorite Castor Oil Pack with 100% Organic Cotton Inserts! Specially designed to help reduce leakage and extend your pack's lifespan. Simply place the Insert inside your less mess pack and secure it by threading the straps through the Insert's holes. The Insert can be easily removed and washed, which helps to prolong the life of your pack. Inserts are currently available for our Liver, Pelvic, and Kids Packs.